Wednesday 14 May 2014

Money Doesn't Talk. It Screams!

Now that the new plastic money is in broad circulation I wonder if I'm the only person who has noticed anything rather unusual in the imagery on our current twenty, ten and five dollar bills.  Here, I thought I would ask Uncle Google for some images of the portrait of her royal heinie Elizabeth our queen.  Note that the word "heinie" could have several applications here: a misspelling of highness, a derogatory word for German (what was their name again before they changed it to Windsor?) or a cute and cheeky word for, well, heinie, or backside.

Specifically, I am thinking of Stephen Harper's promise, or should I say threat, that the Federal Conservatives under his Big Brother Dear Leader watch would change Canada beyond recognition and this is certainly happening with these new plastic bills. 

Now, I am not one to actually do a Google Search for images of our Dear Leader I don't need any help at all remembering what he looks like, but when I first noticed an artistic peculiarity or perhaps artistic license in the faces on the new bills, I simply had to find out for sure.

And now, dear readers, I will let you figure it out for yourselves.  Look closely at this portrait of our gracious queen, looking hale and green as ever on the backside of our spanking new twenty dollar bill.  What do you see?  What looks different?  Well, she seems kind of grumpy first of all, as though Philip, that practical joker, left her crown on the seat of her thrown and she sat on it.  Or as though she is past her patience listening to grandsons Harry or Wills blather on about their beautiful dead mother, that daughter-in-law from hell. 

But really, look at the royal visage, then at this photo of Steve.  Don't they look almost frighteningly alike?  Almost as though he actually sat for her portrait himself wearing a royal wig, just so the artist would get the gist right?  Chilling, much?

Now just have a look below at how much his nibs looks like Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada's most famous and most influential alcoholic.  That's, right, as though he was his direct descendent.

And of course, last but not least, have a look at our new fiver:

Like Stevie just flipped his wig and lo and behold, he's really Wilfred Laurier!

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