Wednesday 7 May 2014

Sleep Cycles

I seem to have sleep cycles though I haven't really learned how to pin them down.  This week I am on my low sleep cycle which began two nights ago.  I went to bed more than an hour early to accommodate an early meeting at work for the following meeting, woke up at 1:30 a m for the usual reason then, after flushing the toilet realized I would not be getting back to sleep soon.  There was also an issue keeping me awake I think and it had to do with unresolved feelings of guilt for not attending my brother's wedding twenty-five years ago. 
     I haven't seen my brother in more than fifteen years and I don't expect that we will ever see each other again.  Without going into too many boring details let us just say that a friend dying from AIDS particularly needed my presence that day so I did not attend wedding.  My family did not understand, and why would they?  Blood runs thicker than antifreeze and all that, except my brother did not like me, we were not friends and he still thought that I owed him my unwelcome presence at his nuptials. 
     After re-examining the issue the other night I felt reassured that I remain not guilty as charged and still lay awake though it was already creeping up to three in the morning.  I got up, had my shower, made my bed and had breakfast, then lay on the bed again and fell back to sleep for three hours.  I made it to the early meeting on time, early actually and spent a long productive work day, if a bit tired.
     Last night wasn't great either.  As I was getting ready for bed the fire alarm went off and by the time I was dressed and ready to go downstairs it stopped, then on the stairwell (I was careful not to go down in the elevator) another tenant advised me it was a false alarm so I grumbled back to my unit and cussed my way into bed, eventually went to sleep while hoping that the other tenant was right and that I wouldn't wake up in an inferno, then woke suddenly after five hours of sleep.  I got up, got all my ducks in a row then tried to go down to nap for at lest an hour.  I was still tired when I left for work and throughout the day I have been dragging my south end all over town.  Once again an after dinner nap has done the trick.
     I don't think I have a sleep disorder and am more likely to blame my circadian rhythm or my biorhythm and don't expect me to explain either concept since I can't even tell one from the other.  Tomorrow or the day after I will start sleeping well again, for maybe ten days or two weeks.  I am told this is a symptom of aging (as if it was a disease!) so naps are going to be in order on a regular basis.  In the meantime I will continue to enjoy the sleep that I get when I can get it and hope I either get a generous pay raise so that I no longer have to work mornings or wait till I'm sixty-five which happens in seven years.  I will likely hit retirement age before they think of giving me a decent pay raise and when I am sixty-five and ready for my pension I will still continue to work.  Four hours a day. Afternoons.

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