Saturday 18 May 2024

The Peacock 1245

 "Or not to tell.  He can be even more taciturn than me."

"Two hermetically sealed imagos", muses Jeffery.

"Which means" says Carl.

"two fully formed adult insects but still trapped in their chrysalis."

"In our case butterflies", say I.

"As you wish", says George.

"Which is also to say", says Carl, "You're young only once, but you can be immature for ever."

"Speak for yourself", say I, chewing on my second piece of toast.  I have slathered it with peanut butter and honey and it is most delicious.

"So, what's the plan for today", says Francois.

"I am going to wait here for Jesús, and I think it would be fitting if we were all here to receive him and Carol both, since she is also coming, though in her own car.

"After which", says Carl, "I will be going to Richmond to see my mom."

"What did your Swedish friend say about the Colombian drug lord", says George..

"That we shall learn tonight, after we have chatted a bit more..."

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