Thursday 10 October 2019

Life As Performance Art 189

We never know how the day is going to turn out, no matter what we do to control events and determine the outcome. This doesn't make us victims to chance but simply as a salient reminder of our cosmic reality, knowing this could do a lot to teach us humility, and constantly knowing this might actually help keep us humble. We are not in control of the universe. Really, we are not, Gentle Reader! We never were in control. We never will be. And we don't need to be in control. In fact, the best thing in the world for us is that we are not in control, and that is also the best possible outcome for the rest of the world, methinks. This doesn't let us off the hook when it comes to planning responsibly and preparing. Not being in control is not the same thing as being out of control. We have a role to play, however minor. Today, for example, seemed that it was going to turn out perfect. I woke up well slept and feeling well-rested, following some very interesting dreams about people and my art and birds, and all seemed well in the universe, until I heard the blood curdling yell of some poor homeless male idiot outside in the alley with his buddy down below. My guess is that he spilled whatever powder it is he has been ingesting and now, more than an hour later, he and his buddy still appear to be out there trying to scoop it all back up) It is good to be reminded of the less fortunate, especially given how easily I could be one of them. But that kind of scream can only ruin someone's day, if we let it. I am not going to let it. Winter is coming, and we are already having unseasonably cold temperatures, and it is hard out there. We have worse homelessness than ever and Canada is not a poor country. I feel so lucky, despite some of the inconveniences of where I live. But...I have a place to live. Almost no alternatives, maybe, but I have a place to live in a time that is especially unkind to people who earn low incomes. There is nothing I can do about homelessness, except continue being a pain in the ass to politicians, but I also feel that I have paid my dues and others seem to be doing a better job at it than I can. Plus, I am generally tired. I need to rest more. This is part of ageing, it is also a kind of emotional exhaustion from working for an employer that chronically treats us like shit. I can't think of much else to write today. The world is neither better than what it seems, nor worse. It just is. We don't really matter, except for our potential for destroying our planet, and this needs badly to be reined in. What we are left with is ourselves and one another, and we still have the opportunity to treat each other well while being gentle towards our good earth. I like to believe that it isn't too late. I think I'll always believe this, even while we're all being flushed down the same toilet we keep forgetting to clean.

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