Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Rash

I saw a doctor in the clinic this morning about my rash.  It is now very ugly, red and hot.  And itchy.  He diagnosed it as an allergic reaction and we believe the culprit to be the dye in the B12 tablets I have begun to take.  The doctor also seems baffled about the nature of the illness from which I have just recovered.  It is a very hard condition to decipher but I understand they are going to work on it. 

I wasn't given a soothing ointment unfortunately but instead I have been given antihistamines and I will not be taking the B12 or the thyroid medication in the meantime.  The rash now appears to be fading, it is still itchy but not as intolerable as before. 

I did try to stretch my limits a bit more today.  I walked further and longer and into Stanley Park.  I even treated myself to a dish of red curry in a Thai restaurant I like on Davie Street.  The street view of Davie Street is often interesting and colourful with its eclectic mix of people.  There is also a lot of visible poverty and many clearly sad and desperate looking folk in the area.  But they also get on with life and each of us in our way can find still find sources for enjoyment.  Some of the desperately poor street people are out panhandling.  I often don't know what to do.  I seldom give money any more, knowing that it would likely be used in ways that could be harmful.

I still tire easily and I needed to return home for a nap for a couple of hours, before going out for a pot of tea in a local café.  I clearly feel that I haven't had quite enough to do today, even though I did get out and around and get some things done.  I am still recovering and reaching towards a greater level of wellness.  Tomorrow I return to a half day of work.

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