Wednesday 26 June 2024

The Peacock 1284

 Crossing Chancellor is a piece of cake.  It is broad with a green boulevard in the middle, flanked on both sides by forest.  We could be almost anywhere in rural BC, and the traffic is always very sparse.  

Say I to Francois, "We were discussing the various steps the coyote would have to take in order to eat the roadrunner if he ever caught hin.  Starting of course with how he would kill him, and ending with how he would cook him.  Carl was recommending that he be served with a turnip and chestnut stuffing.  Carl, do you actually have a recipe for that?"

"The idea just popped into my head."

"It actually doesn't sound like a bad idea", says George.  "If they were pureed together, the chestnuts would reduce the bitterness of the turnips.  I might even give it a try sometime.

"but first you have to catch and kill a roadrunner, since i don't think we're going to find them in No Frills", says Jeffrey.

"Not even in Urban Faire", says George.

"I really have no idea what you guys are talking about", says Francois as we enter again the trail we came out on...

Now go to

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