Monday 17 June 2024

The Peacock 1275

 We have all agreed to dedicate two hours, perhaps three to walking around in the area, and we want to include part of the campus and the forest.  Wreck Beach is not part of the itinerary, and that seems to work for everyone, and I suspect that George and Jeffrey, for all their libertine bravado, are secretly relieved.  I just couldn't be bothered.  I have no desire to revive the ghost from my original trysts with Chuck, and really that was the last time I was down there.  I am not interested in finding out how things have changed there.  Carl has been in touch with the hospital, and they want to keep his mother under observation for now, so, visitors are not permitted.  Melissa has just been on the phone with him, and he ended up yelling at her before he hung up.  Erik just sent me a text, and I have promised to be on Skype with him this afternoon.  I can only imagine how dreadfully bored, confined and traumatized he must be, stuck for two weeks in that hotel room  Is it really worth it.  Right now the street on which we live unfolds before us, and both George and Jeffrey are like two small boys, quietly in awe....

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