Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Peacock1319

 Sarah suggested Chinese, but I have been having a hankering for a stack of multigrain pancakes smothered in boysenberry syrup.  and Carl wanted waffles and sausages.  Jesús remained politely uncommitted, so we are back again at the International House of Pancakes, also known as IHOP.

The pancakes are delicious, Carl hasn't complained about his waffle or sausages, Jesús is just digging into a cheese omelette with hashbrowns and Sarah's blintzes have just been placed in front of her.

Apparently", says Carl.  Frida, John's widow, doesn't know yet about his death.  They have just taken her off the respirator, but it might be a few days before they can tell her anything.

"How is your mom handling it?" says Sarah, digging her fork into her first of three blintzes.

"She was crying.  She was asking over and over again why God would send her here then pile on so much misfortune.  She is a very strong woman.  it's hard seeing her so ...vulnerable...weak.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

The Peacock 1318

 Carl is standing by my car, looking solemn and distressed.

"did you get to see your mom?" says Sarah as we all climb into the car.

"Oh yes", he says as he settles beside me and reaches for his seatbelt.

"How is she", say I.

"better than i expected.  Despite all the protection gear, we actually had a bit of a chat.  Short visit. she is still weak and exhausted.  But out of danger."

"What's wrong", says Sarah.

"John, one of her friends who came with her.  He just passed away this morning.  From covid."

"I am so sorry, Carl", she says, placing her hand on his shoulder from behind.

"Can we go somewhere for lunch?  I am super hungry right now..."

Monday 29 July 2024

The Peacock 1317

 "I hope we can get them all down for a visit soon.  I wonder why Carl is taking so long." My phone is ringing, so I can wonder no longer.  "Hi."

"I'm in the parking lot.  Where are you you?"

"In the park just behind the hospital.  We're on our way."

"This is a lovely park", says Sarah.  "i never knew about it.  But I seldom get out here."

"This is a beautiful place", concurs Jesús, who has been on his phone scrolling and looking nonstop, who only knows at what.  I am afraid of finding out so I am not going to ask him...

Sunday 28 July 2024

The Peacock 1316

 I am not about to argue with her.  I certainly don't buy into white replacement theory or any other white supremist nonsense.  But I suppose she has a point.   It is good to have the Chinese here, and they have definitely changed Richmond, how I cannot really say, but I find their presence peaceful and tranquilizing.  We are back at the parking lot and there is still no sign of Carl.  I did text Erik to let him know we were at the hotel if he wanted to say hi from his window, but he is not responding,  I imagine he must be sleeping again and there will be plenty of time for him to meet my friends.

We have found our way to the public gardens behind the hospital and the azaleas are in flaming fragrant bloom, yellow, gold orange and red banks of colours smouldering in the garden.  There are a few visitors, mostly Asian, almost all wearing covid masks.  We are bareface.  

"Weren't Jason and Lazarus supposed to be coming as well", say I to Sarah and Jesús.

"They were afraid it would be crowded", says Sarah, so Father Griffin has agreed to take them into his home for a while.  I think this should be good for all of them...

Saturday 27 July 2024

The Peacock 1315

 Jesús and Sarah have also selected some large chocolate bars, to share with the others after dinner, plus a couple of jars of seville marmalade and bramble jelly that Sarah means to take home for Carol.

"This is like being in Chinatown", says Jesús.

"Chinatown is way nicer and way more interesting " says Sarah.

"Why are there so many Chinese here then?"

"In the nineties, thousands came here from Hong Kong", say I, "Because of the Handover, when Beijing took control in 1997.  People were frightened, afraid for their money, their investments, their freedoms, and even for their lives."

"But why they move all here to Richmond"

"Your guess is as good as mine.  What do you think, Sarah?"

"I don't have a clue.  But it is good to have them all here..."

Friday 26 July 2024

The Peacock 1314

 We have just parked by the hospital and Carl is on his way inside.  "It's just a short walk to London Drugs and the hotel from here", say I, climbing out my door.

"How far is short", says Jesús.

"Ten minutes."

"You'll live", says Sarah.

It feels further for some reason, but in Richmond, the most boring place on the planet, even a ten metre walk will feel like a marathon.  This place is all sterile-looking offices and storefronts and car traffic.  Inside the London Drugs, more than half the customers and most of the staff appear to be Asian, likely Chinese, since Richmond received a tsumani of immigrants from Hong Kong during the nineties, all champing at the bit to get out before Beijing took control.  And they have been wise to leave and for the most part be welcomed in our country, though with the rise of covid we are also seeing an uptick of racist hate and violence.

"What are we in here for again", says Sarah.


Thursday 25 July 2024


   "So, what are we going to do?"

"Siince Melisa has just forbidden me from taking anything from the mansion, I am going to Ikea tomorrow to start furniture hunting and you are all welcome to come."

"I might be working tomorrow."

"You have a job?"

"Francois and I are starting our orientation with Chuck.  Remember?"

"Oh, him.  yes."

And Carl's disapproval simply seeps through his clipped tone of voice right now.

"I can come with you", says Jesús.

"Ditto", says Sarah.  "I probably won't be living there, but you might benefit from a woman's input."

"Thanks so much Sarah", says Carl.

"what are your plans, Christopher", says Sarah.  "About the house, I mean?"

"I am not moving. "

"Says you", mutters Carl.

"Yep, Carl.  Says I."

Wednesday 24 July 2024

The Peacock 1312

Carl has just been on the phone with Melissa. "What did she say", says Sarah. "Basically that it's your word against hers, but she insists that with mom being on her way over that thihgs have to be cleaned up with the community, so to speak." "No more drag shows?" "Her point exactly." "I guess we have to see where she's coing from", say I. "And that she has made perfectly clear", says Carl.

Tuesday 23 July 2024


 "It's just become impossible with Melissa", says Sarah as we are starting to cross the Oak Street Bridge.  "It started just after you guys left when she really began ragging on George and Jeffrey for their drag performance, which by the way was totally brilliant.  She insisted that that sort of thing never again happen in the house and that they had completely disgraced our witness as a Christian community.  Can you imagine that?  Then in the next few days she started banning people.  First Tommy and his partner Cecilia from the Sunshine Diner, nor would she permit any of us to go there to visit.  Then she weighed in about Amanda saying that a woman operating a sex toy store should have absolutely no business with us unless she is prepared to fully repent."

"So this is why the exodus", say I.

"Carol really has had her belly full.  Yesterday at lunch she looked at me and said, "Would you like to be rescued?"  I couldn't turn her down."

"What about the others?"

Sheila, Maureen and Jennifer all seem to have a calming effect on her.  And they are all pretty grounded and supportive of each other so she can't really affect them.  Melissa actually seems to have  a lot of respect for them, so she doesn't dare try to be high-handed with them.  The others have all sort of retreated into their own private spaces...

"But what about you and Carol?"

"Oh...She hates both of us!"

Monday 22 July 2024

The Peacock 1310

 "Why don't you buy one of those houses instead?" says Sarah.

"I just might."

"Jesús, you're awfully quiet", she says.

"I am trying to contact Marla."

"She's in mexico, right?"

"That is correct.  She appears to have blocked me.  Everywhere."

"Looks like you're stuck with us now", say I.

"I could do worse."

"Oh, you flatterer ", says Carl.


"You are a flatterer."

"I don't know that word."

Says Sarah, "it's when someone says lovely things about you in order to get something from you."

"Is that what I am doing"

"We all do it", says Carl.

"Yes, in Colombia, too.  Maldita sea, ella me ha cortado..."

Sunday 21 July 2024

The Peacock 1309

 It'll have to wait till after we're done in Richmond.  What time is it now?"

"One forty-five." says Sarah.

"We have plenty of time", says Carl.  "How does it feel being behind your own steering wheel again, Chris."

"Heavenly.  How does it feel being my passenger?"


"You are no longer in control, Carl", says Sarah, gloating.

"I never was."

"You can sure say that again"

"Just have a look at those palaces", says Carl as we are passing the fabled row of mansions on Vancouver's Southwest Marine drive.  Jesús appears to have nothing to contribute to the conversation and is completely engrossed in his phone.

Saturday 20 July 2024

The Peacock 1308

 How nice to be behind my own steering wheel again,, in my own little hyundai.  Okay, this is not a Mercedes, but it'll do.  It is mine.  And paid for.

"How is your mom", asks Sarah to Carl from the back seat that she shares with Jesús.

"Better.  I still don't know if they'll let me in to see her, but since Chris is going out to Richmond to bring his brother-in-law more supplies, and the hospital is just across the street almost from the hotel."

"Easy-peasy", says Sarah.  We are taking the scenic route along Marine Drive, above the notorious Wreck Beach.  On a whim of mischief I have almost asked Jesús if he would like to check it out today.  But I know better, yes i do know better.

"what an awful  shock for you", Jesús., says Sarah.

"she says she is back in Mexico City now.  why should I believe her.  She has lied before.  Many times."

"That's really harsh man", says Carl.  "Hey you guys, do we have time to go to New West?  I want to show you the house I bought..."  

Friday 19 July 2024

The Peacock 1307

 Jesús is suddenly on his phone.

"Dónde  estás?" he says, sounding a bit anxious.  "Por qué? No me dijiste nada.  Marla, yo estaba llamándote y llamándo te ayer y hoy, sin ninguna responsa y ya me digas que te vaya.  Hola?  Marla?  Dígame.  Marla!  Qué se joda a la mierda", he says, staring blankly at his phone.

""Your girlfriend" says Sarah, softly and worried.

"Yes.  She is already in Mexico.  Says the authorities told her she had to leave immediately.  I don't believe her.  She is lying.  She has lied to me before."  He is speaking rapidly and quietly, clearly trying to maintain control of himself.

"Jesús", says Carol from the armchair where she hs ensconced herself.  "Do come and stay with Sarah and I."

"There is room here", say I, wondering why I should set both of us up for a situation that has already just become problematic.

"Please stop being stupid, Christopher", says Sarah.

"I will stay here", says Jesús.  then tomorrow I will move things from the apartment I shared with Marla..."

Thursday 18 July 2024


 Jesús has planted himself between Sarah and me on the couch, but he is seated closer to me.  Our thighs are touching.

"I can't thank you enough for bringing my car down today."

"With pleasure.  Then, pressing his thigh against mine he says, "You can thank me by taking me for a ride sometimes with you."

Yes, he is attractive.  Sexy as all get out, and I am starting to feel a little bit creeped out.

"So, you have a girlfriend."

"She doesn't mind sharing me."

"Jesús," says Sarah.  "Knock it off, eh?"

He lets out a little laugh, then says, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Thing is, Marla has to return to Mexico next week She cannot renew her student visa."

"Will you be able to manage the rent when she's gone" says Sarah.

"It will be very expensive."

"Stay with us, Jesús", says Carol.

"He can stay here if he wants", says Francois, "can't he."

"Stay with us", seconds Sarah.  it's going to be crowded here..."

Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Peacock 1305

 "It should be ready for occupancy in just a couple of weeks", says Carl, stepping over the threshold into my father's house.  "I am going to organize a move to transport furniture and kitchen utensils from the mansion, probably next week."

"What an absolutely cute house" says Sarah, surveilling the living room.

"Yes, isn't it darling", says Carol agreeably.

"but will there be room for everyone", says Sarah, settling herself in the centre of the sofa.

"Jesús", says Carol, "I have two guest rooms in my townhouse.  If you don't mind being surrounded by two loquacious and chatty women."

"Thank you", he says.  "I have a place to live.  My girlfriend is expecting me tonight."

My heart is already breaking.

"Why Jesús", says Sarah, We never even knew."

"Can your girlfriend come over for dinner", say I, to help mend the heartache.

"I will ask her."

"Is she from Colombia", says Carol.

"She is from Mexico City."

Tuesday 16 July 2024

The Peacock 1304

 The first thing i see is my little black Hyundai parked in front of the house and my heart is racing as though encountering my long lost lover.  I should be so ashamed.  The next thing I see is Jesús, Carol, ...and...Sarah?

"The gang's all here!" she chimes, reaching out to me her two arms for a hug, and now hugs are exchanged everywhere.  We are all truly glad to be together again.

"So, Carol, this is the surprise you've been telling us about", says Carl, referencing Sarah.

"So you jumped ship", he says laughing.

"Sarah is going to be staying with me at my townhouse until the house she shares with Maureen becomes vacant in the fall.  And what is this I here about you buying a house in New Westminster, of all places."

Monday 15 July 2024

The Peacock 1303

 And,this does not go beyond this room, but I have already heard from him, and he will not be returning to the monastery.

"How did he get permission?" asks George.

"He didn't", says Francois, snickering.  "I have been keeping brother Bart as an ace up my sleeve and I think that soon it is time to play him."

"Could we get him over here for a visit sometime?" say I.  "I mean if his mother doesn't need him."

"Mrs, Carter is a robustly healthy seventy-three year old who could easily outlive all of us.  He could also get in touch with Cosme for us if need be."

"Awesome", says Carl.

"I just got a text from Jesús", say I.  He should be here in twenty minutes."

"Which means, we had better be on our way", says Francois...

Sunday 14 July 2024

The Peacock 1302

 "I remember your experience with that cop and the donuts." say I.

"Dude, you ain't seen the worst of it", says Francois.

"How do you live with it", says jeffery.

"You just learn how to roll with it", says George.  "Being gay and Catholic sure don't make it easy either."

"Tell me about it", says Francois.

"You're not gay", says George.

"Hey, two out of three ain't bad.

"We need to meet Cosme and talk to him, if he is able and willing", say I.

"How can we track him down", says George.,  "This is not a small city."

"I'll see if I can track him on the internet", says Carl.

"I could also contact Brother Bartholomew", says Francois.

"How would they ever let you near him", says Carl.

"Easy.  He is living right now with his ailing mother in Burnaby, and I have his contact info...

Saturday 13 July 2024

The Peacock 1301

 "Did you remember to bring Cosme's journal with you'" say I to Carl.

"It's in my bedroom on the night table."

"Good thing Jesús is coming.  We will need him to translate some more for us."

"What else did Cosme tell you?" says Francois.  "I seem to remember seeing him around, but we never so much as gave each other the time of day. I always suspected him to be a racist."

"how could you possibly tell", says Carl.

"Oh believe me, I can tell alright.  People of colour develop from the cradle a sixth sense for it."

"Or maybe you just expect people to be racist and so it comes back to you", says Carl.

"No need to gaslight", says George with utmost patience.

"Is that what I'm doing."

"Trust me when I say this, as a Filipino-Canadian, otherwise known as a visible minority, I know exactly what Frankie, or, sorry, I mean François, is talking about, because I go through it too.

Friday 12 July 2024

The Peacock 1300

 He asked me two questions.  if we wanted to get married, and if we would be open to taking refuge in your house, Carl, given the backlash we could expect from the abbey.  Just then, George entered the room, which seemed, to say the least, providential.  I told him about our conversation and he said yes to both, provided that I agreed.  There was nothing left to do.  We both packed our modest earthly possessions, Cosme came with us to the justice of the peace in Mission."

"Then what happened", say I.

"George had the foresight to keep his car.  I never owned one.  So we all three of us drove together down to Mission.  Everything was over in less than fifteen minutes.  We Took Cosme back to the abbey so he could drive himself home, then we drove straight to your place, Carl."

"And we all lived happily ever after...

Thursday 11 July 2024

The Peacock 1299

 He was a regular feature at the monastery.  Often attending mass in the mornings and some of the daily prayers and offices.  He seemed to have money and I believe was a much coveted benefactor of the abbey.  One summer afternoon we accidentally convened in the guest breakfast room.  I was supervising one of the novices who was charged with keeping the place cleaned and stocked.  he was seated at one of the tables by the window passively scrolling on his phone.  He asked me abut my personal history with the abbey, and the conversation went from there.  He asked me if I was familiar with your house, Carl, and I said that I was.  Then he asked me about our arrangements you and me, George.  Somehow, i couldn't lie to this man, so I disclosed that we had been boyfriends already for years, and that we still considered ourselves together, regardless of the Rule of St Benedict nor anything else.  I felt somehow compellad to divulge to him everything about us, except for, what we could call our most intimate details...

Wednesday 10 July 2024

The Peacock 1298

 "He's still around?" says Carl.

According to brother Bartholomew", says Jeffrey, just last year he moved here to Vancouver to live with his daughter."

"How old would he be?"

"I would guess in his eighties", says Carl.  "He would have been in his twenties when he was writing that journal of his during the sixties.  Hey, speaking of which, George, Jeffrey, why didn't you say something about it when we were reading his journal last week."

"Sorry about that.  I needed time to digest the content that I heard", says George.  I had to think for a while before I could be persuaded that it was the same person."

"Did you know him?" say I.

"I met him in passing a couple of times.  We never actually had a conversation."

"We did", says jeffrey.  And it was rather strange...

Tuesday 9 July 2024

The Peacock 1297

 As soon as we buried him we were out of there.  We both knew he would come after us, and that we could likely end up his next victims."

"You're absolutely sure it was Lindstrom?" says George.

"There is only one other possible suspect", says Carl.


"Say, what!" say I.

"The old Spanish guy who also visited the Abbey from time to time
". says George.  "Brother Bartholomew knew him quite well.  Said he came here from Spain years ago and settled in the area.  A very peculiar individual.  But he also had connections with your father, according to Brother Bartholomew"

Monday 8 July 2024

The Peacock 1296

 "You mentioned", say I, "That Lindstrom is a nephilim."

"That is how he explained it to me.  And then I heard similar from Stella.  they are part of a race of a corrupted angelic hierarchy."

"Are there others among them?"

"Oh yes.  Thousands walking the earth.  I even suspect our own Adam, now named Jason, though with him it might be too soon to tell."  

"You have had other interactions with this Lindstrom guy", says George.

"You're asking me or your telling me."


"When I returned here that same summer with Melissa, to stay again with Dad.  The year he was killed."

"Was killed", says George.  "I thought he shot himself..."

"Melissa and I both believe that it was Lindstrom who pulled the trigger...

Sunday 7 July 2024

The Peacock 1295

 "Six months later, she announced to me that my time with her was almost finished, that she was receiving threats fron Lindstrom, who was planning to abduct me, and that she would face off with him.  She asked me for my mother's contact information for emergencies, around which time her new husband had already become one of her regulars.  She insisted that the connection was entirely coincidental, but in its way, foreordained.  She telephoned Mom to tell her to come over as quickly as possible to retrieve both her husband and her dear little son...

Saturday 6 July 2024

The Peacock 1294

 "How can you say that?" say I

"I spent the night sleeping in Stella's guest room.  The following morning, over breakfast, she told me, Look, i cannot explain to you who or what I am, not in a way you would understand it.  Lindstrom and I are of the same stock.  You could even call us brother and sister.  But he has taken a definite turn towards evil, even if his innermost nature howls out against that, for we were both born of the light eternal . 

We both slipped up, with grave consequences.  I now am being slowly rehabilitated, if you will.  Yes, I know, you are wondering how I could be in rehab when you and i are both working the same stinking oldest profession, but for me this soon shall pass, as it shall for you, Carl.

Then she told me that I have free run of her place, that I could come and go as I wish, and to count on her protection.  Not in any way, shape or form did she try to control or dominate me, and instantaneously, I also got over my coke addiction...

Friday 5 July 2024


 "That was the last I saw of him until shortly before my eighteenth birthday.  I was hustling along the canals, feeding my coke addiction, and he approached me.  instead of negotiating, he simply said "come with me", so I obeyed.  I followed him up into a luxurious flat upstairs in one of the old canal houses.  After that, I can't remember anything, except for occasional forays to cafes and restaurants, always with him, always with Lindstrom.  Like his little pet dog.  Only worse..."

"Worse in what way?" says François.

"He possessed me.  Totally.  To this day, I don't have a clue what happened between us, nor even if we ever had sex.  But I do remember Stella, approaching me for the first time.  I was sitting on the sidewalk patio of his favourite café, and she walked over to me, resplendent in a pale green summer dress, and simply said, "Come with me."  For some reason, i felt very strongly to obey her.  When we arrived in her house she said that I have just been rescued from someone intrinsically evil, who had no power over her, and that I could stay with her under her protection for as long as I needed."

"You went from one owner to another", say I.

"No.  At that moment I was set free..."

Thursday 4 July 2024

The Peacock 1291

 Just being in his presence is traumatizing.  In fact, I have wondered if he would be Satan himself, if he wasn't also such a half-witted and bumbling putz. We already know that as well as having extraordinary supernatural powers and abilities, that he has also been in and out of mental institutions."

"What are you still not telling us?" say I.

Carl pensively breaks off a piece of his giant oatmeal cookie, dips it experimentally in his coffee, then nibbles on it.  "Okay.  I'll tell you everything.  It all started when I was twelve.  Just before my parents divorced.  Mom had taken us out for ice cream.  It was June, the night of the solstice.  As we approached the house, he was just coming out onto the street.  Tall, blonde,  incredibly handsome, and he looked at me in such a way that I completely lost my bearings, felt completely overwhelmed and dropped into a faint.  I didn't hit the ground because Mom was holding me in her arms.  I came to, and she hurried us both into the house, commanded us to go up to our bedrooms.  Then she was yelling at my father.  It sounded horrendous.  The next day, early in the morning, she woke us up, bundled us into a cab after packing some of our clothes, and we went to a hotel.  Then she divorced him..

Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Peacock 1290

 We have combined two tables and chairs in the back of the coffee shop, our americanos steaming among us.  Carl's back faces the distant door.  We should have enough privacy if no one talks loud.

"I imagine you are all surprised about this, but first, I want to assure everyone that I am not complicit with this individual."

"We heard you shouting at him last night just before the police came", says François.  "You said you'd told him not to come, to go away, to leave everyone alone.  Have you been in contact with him?"

"Several times.  After my father died, he kept pestering me and Melissa to join ranks with him and his network.  We refused.  He would frequently turn up at the house to see my father.  Melissa and I were not permitted to be any part of those visits.  and we didn't want to be.  We found him creepy and scary.  "We also think that he shot our father.  That's why we had to get away.  Only in the last couple of weeks did he resume contact, texting and emailing me to let him come to the house.  He had plans for everyone.  I kept telling him no.  I tried to block him several times.  Then, yesterday, he said he was landing here at the airport."

"Why didn't you tell us any of this", say I.

"I was scared.  This person has a lot of power..."

Tuesday 2 July 2024

The Peacock 1285

 George has just sat down with Francois on a bench and is now searching on his phone.  "This is interesting.  Each female European cuckoo lays a type of egg that is uniquely coloured to match the eggs of te smaller bird species it is going to parasitize.  Who knew?"

"So back to our question", says Francois getting up with him.  "What is the best way to cook a roadrunner?"

"We're never going to find out" says Carl.  They're a protected species.  And they are found nowhere in Canada, just the American southwest and the Mexican desert.

"they might be great in tacos", muses George.

"Or enchiladas", wonders Carl.

"Probably tastes like chicken", says Francois.  "Let's go..."

Monday 1 July 2024


 "You know him", say I to Carl.  "Don't you."

He says nothing.

"Carl", says George.  "Christopher just asked you something."

"That he did."

"Please do him the courtesy of replying."

"I'm not going to."

"Carl", say I, now getting quite angry.  "Answer me."


"Now", says Francois, suddenly standing right in front of hin, facing him.  "You are going to tell us now", he orders.

We are one block from the house.  Carl looks defeated.  He says", how long till the others come."

"we still have an hour.  And one of us can text them if we need to", say I.

"Let's go to Blenz.  We can talk there..."