Thursday 25 July 2024


   "So, what are we going to do?"

"Siince Melisa has just forbidden me from taking anything from the mansion, I am going to Ikea tomorrow to start furniture hunting and you are all welcome to come."

"I might be working tomorrow."

"You have a job?"

"Francois and I are starting our orientation with Chuck.  Remember?"

"Oh, him.  yes."

And Carl's disapproval simply seeps through his clipped tone of voice right now.

"I can come with you", says Jesús.

"Ditto", says Sarah.  "I probably won't be living there, but you might benefit from a woman's input."

"Thanks so much Sarah", says Carl.

"what are your plans, Christopher", says Sarah.  "About the house, I mean?"

"I am not moving. "

"Says you", mutters Carl.

"Yep, Carl.  Says I."

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