Sunday 8 September 2024

The Peacock 1358

 "We're teetotalers",  says Carl . "Dammit!"

"Except for cookies", says Jesús.

"You know the word teetotaler", says George.

"Yes.  I learned it from Sarah, today in the car."

"Yeah, we all got pretty baked", says Carl.

"A thousand pities you didn't save us any", says George.

"Would you like some San Pellegrino with ice?" say I to Dorothy.

"what flavour do you have?"

"Blood orange and lemon."

"I will have the lemon", she says.

"and the lemon you will have", say I, jumping up and heading to the kitchen.

"and the lemon she will have indeed", says Carl, laughing.

"Anyone else..."

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