Tuesday 7 September 2021

The Peacock 275

 "Francois I am so, so, awfully and profoundly sorry about what happened to you with Doug.  Please, what can I, what can we do to help repair the damage..."

"It's not going to be repaired", he replies.  "And please, that's enough apologizing for one day.  I mean, it's appreciated, but please, we have to move on . What really matters is, he's gone.  They're both gone.  Now, please, let's all move forward, can we?"

I already can feel myself breathing easier, as if some kind of darkness has left this place with Doug,. and I think also Father Griffin.

"I have something I would like to say", says Jeff, the blond brother, "To you Christopher.  If you could please forgive me for the problem I caused you yesterday morning in the garden.  You see, I had just had  a session with Douglas, just as he was going into his seclusion.  He simply turned to me and announced that from now on my name was Edward.  I hated it, and I tried to resist it, but we were all in his thrall, and so his word was law.  So, I'm sorry I was so disagreeable.  Thing is, he was always trying to rename everybody.  It was his way of owning us."

"It´s okay", I reply.  "There's no problem."

"And me, when you saw me in the corridor yesterday morning," says George, the Filipino brother, " I was trying to escape from Douglas, because I had already heard he was calling me to a meeting, and I was hoping that by removing myself I could get away from the power he had over me."

"But what changed? I mean today, he was clearly a broken man."

"Super Melissa to the rescue", says Carl with a great big smile.

"Melissa", says Francois.  "I cannot thank you enough."

Carl's sister simply replies, "Where are the others?  I think it's time for us to hold a general meeting..."

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