Saturday 25 September 2021

The Peacock 293

 "The thing is", Francois says, "Douglas is mentally ill.  We all know it, we all knew it, but instead of doing anything we just, for the most part, became his slaves.  Especially me.  What I can't understand is, how did that happen.  Especially to me." he is becoming heightened with emotion and appears to be choking back tears.  "Especially to someone like me!  I could see it coming, but it was like a rat cornered by a pit viper.  I could only stand there paralysed, waiting to be swallowed, waiting to become his next meal.  This has been so hideous."

"How are you right now, Francois?" says Melissa.

"I'll be okay.  But this is going to take time", he says, composing himself.  "This is just going to take some time."

"I suggest we all adjourn for now", says Carl.  "This has all been pretty intense, and I think for now we need to be really gentle with ourselves and with one another.

"I heartily agree", says Carol, reaching for another biscuit.

Maureen says, "Are we still all gathering at two?"

"I'd say we might as well", concurs Melissa.  "Might as well start figuring out our future."

Before anyone can pressgang me for clean up I am already out the door, on my way to the garden, for a good solitary walk, and perhaps to go look again for that ever elusive peacock...

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