Tuesday 8 October 2024

The Peacock 1388

One other thing in my dream", he says, now that the three of us are at table together munchng on toast and coffee. An egg. Big egg. With cracks, and blood coming through cracks." First a good swallow of bitter black coffee, to brace myself. And now, "What colour was the egg?" "Blue. Turquoise. Very beautiful turquoise. And bleeding throught cracks. "That is so intersting", says Carl. "Any other details." "One thing", says Jesús, pausing to spread peanut butter on his toast. "My fingernails. They were long, sharp, like claws. And painted black." "I also dreamed of eggs. Same color, turquoise", say I, but I am not ready to go into detail, this is just too strange right now, plus, it is rather early in the morning for strange. François comes in, silently, like a stalking panther, pours himself coffee and pops more bread in the toaster. "Good morning" says Carl. "Morning", he echoes. "Did you sleep well?" "Like a log. You?" "Tossed and turned. Not too bad. These two were dreaming about eggs." "Does that mean I should cook us all an omelette", says Francois, smiling...

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