Friday 9 April 2021

The Peacock 125

 "Anyway, even if I was being monitored and harrassed by satanists, and even if Doug was originally with me as one of their plants, things were very quickly turned around for him.  I only allowed him into my life because I strongly sensed him to be a seeker, and that regardless of the work of evil in his life, that God had marked him as his own.  We very quickly acquired a daily discipline of morning, afternoon and evening prayer.  From his enterprise as a Coke dealer, he had substantial savings that he sunk into the house and our work together.  I was still getting income from work, but while looking after Doug, as well as our growing presence in the gay bars and coffee shops downtown and in the West End, it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to focus on my work.  In fact they were getting very concerned about me and a few months later, in February of eighty-nine we agreed, my boss and I, that I should resign.  This was presenting Doug and me with rather a challenging situation, given that soon his own money would be running out.  I soon was getting employment insurance, but after rent and a few basic expenses we were left with nothing.

"But", I say, "What did Doug do to pull his weight?  Wasn't he at least on basic welfare?"

"Not even.  He refused to look for work, parsing that the work of ministry and prayer were vastly more important, and he also refused to go on welfare, since he seemed so sure that God would provide.  And God was indeed providing.  Through my monthly EI check, and even that wasn't enough to keep us going.  This, of course, was creating problems.  We were sometimes behind in the rent.  And we had to struggle and be increasingly creative when it came to feeding ourselves.  Fortunately that wasn't too difficult, as I have always been a wiz at budgeting.  But still things kept getting worse and worse.  Fortunately, people from the local Anglican church parish began to take interest in our work and ministry..."

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