Tuesday 20 April 2021

The Peacock 136

"I was invited to their watchnight, or New year's Eve service at the Fountain Chapel, the black church in Strathcona that invited us to use their premises.  Only in this past year have I learned more about that church, by the way. It is in one of Vancouver's oldest, if not very oldest, residential neighbourhoods, just past Chinatown. Apparently it was the first black church in Vancouver, founded by none other than the grandmother of Jimi Hendrix. Yes, THAT Jimi Hendrix. When I was briefly attending there with the Jesus' People, I visited sometimes during the day, where I met the pastor, named Sister Ann Walker. I remember a kind, humble, somewhat shy African woman, middle aged, and towards me very warm and engaging. She wanted to know if I had the gift of tongues and tried to explain to me the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. it didn't quite make sense to me, but I remember how welcome and accepted I felt by this woman, and that she was the first black person I had ever had a conversation with. Did I mention that I was still only fourteen and this was 1971?

During my first visit there New Years Eve for the Watchnight service, as midnight drew near, we were all on our knees in prayer and I started weeping.  I cannot remember why, but I sensed something very beautiful was happening inside of me and all I could do was consent to it.  People all around me were all emotional and crying out to God, and so was I and suddenly I was weeping. I didn't know why I was weeping, but it felt good, so very very good, and now I know that I was releasing to God all the tears I had stored up over the years and now offering them up to him, and I was truly cleansed by the experience..."

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