Thursday 26 May 2022

The Peacock 527

 "Yes, the Faberge eggs", says Adam.  "I don't exactly remember receiving them from her.  In fact, when I woke on the beach in Saanich, I remembered nothing.  But there was a gold box next to me as I awoke in the sand.  It was ornately carved, not made of gold, but some tropical hardwood with gold paint.  But very beautiful, with carvings of symmetrical arabesques. And inside, in deep crimson velvet, were the six eggs.  I have never seen anything so beautiful before in my life.  That was when I met Chris, the leader of the community.  He asked me how I was, and if he could help me with anything.  I explained that I just woke here, and then he looked at me rather oddly, then smiled and said, yes, I had a dream last night about you.  You were sent.  Come with me, and you will have a place to stay.  I very innocently obeyed and followed him home to the community.

"Then came the dreams...of the mansion, the gargoyle fountain, the boy, whom I came to think of as an angel, and then, Mother.  Tall, very old, but strong and robust, dressed in a tweed suit like a country Englishwoman.  And the sense that she had given me those eggs.  Then, in another dream, I saw Matthew, who is sitting here with us, and I was told by the boy to go find him in Vancouver.  I was told to walk on Main Street, between Sixteenth and Thirty-Third, where I would find m in his store, and he would tell me what to do with the eggs.  Chris came with me, which was necessary, because I was so like an innocent child and I needed badly his protection and guardianship."

"And the rest, as they say", says Matthew, smiling, "is history..."

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