Monday 9 March 2020

Costa Rica Again 8

I didn't do much today, either.  At breakfast I met a pleasant Canadian couple from Winnipeg.  It is their first time here and they are in awe of the place.  I met them again at La Cuchara de la Abuela so we ate together and had a pleasant Canadian visit.  Tey are also avid CBC listeners and we agreed that on the As It Happens program they probably have a quota of Newfoundlanders to have on as guests every week so everyone can laugh at their accent.

I saw some more blue morpho butterflies on the usual walk, and for the first time in decades I also stepped in dog shit, but I appear to have successfully wiped it off the bottom of my shoe.  In this case it was easy to miss because I was walking on a narrow trail above the road and much of it was concealed by low hanging leaves, etc.  It appears that Café Monteverde has become my regular hangout.  I spent two and  half hours there, chatting with staff and other visitors.  It wasn't busy, so the two workers there were able to rehearse their presentation in English for when they are explaining to tourists about the process for harvesting and preparing coffee beans, and I was giving them a little coaching in English.  i also chatted a bit with an American woman from Oregon, who has lived in Monteverde for three years now.  She appears to speak rather passable Spanish.

I also took a walk up a road into a really quiet area where I saw a couple of motmots, one on the way up and the other on the way down.  The first one seemed quite chill and let me approach it almost within a metre or so.

Image result for blue crowned motmot images

That's all, folks!

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