Tuesday 24 March 2020

Quarantined 2 and 3 and 4

I'm back.  I am no longer sending out this blog as people misinterpret or take out of context what I write, get nasty and panicky, and this has already put at risk a couple of friendships.  So, if you are a friend of me, and you are reading this blog right now, STOP IMMEDIATELY!!!!  For the sake of our friendship.  You know who you are.  Thank you.

Even if I am in isolation, it is self-imposed, and I am still allowed to go out, to buy food, go to the bank, medical appointments, and to walk in the fresh air, provided that I stay away from people.  And that's what I'm doing.  A lot of people won't like that.  They want to punish us as potential carriers (though it doesn't seem to enter into their narcissistic little minds that they too might be carriers, they're only interested in keeping themselves safe, to hell with everyone else., and have the same kind of mentality as people who want criminals to rot forever in their jail cell, no parole, no rehabilitation, only absolute resentment that the death penalty has been abolished.  I refuse to go there, and if you don't like the way I am doing things, then kindly son't read my blog, and just go away and please stay away.  Don't go away mad, as my dad used to say, just go away. Thank you.

I am still staying home as much as possible, and I am respecting the two metre physical distance from others.  Regardless of what I might think of the way they are doing things, I do not want to put others, or myself, at risk.  I am a less than likely carrier.  Were I was in Costa Rica for sixteen days before coming home there have been no cases of Covid 19.  I have been on two airplanes and inside three airports since, and all of those places are notorious germ traps, so who only knows, but I am being careful.  It is rather strange these four days of isolation and it seems to be affecting my mind a bit.  I feel a little less organized, and not really as productive as I had been hoping.   But I am sleeping well, getting lots of art done and still spending quality time with people on Skype or the phone, or email, and that always helps..

I think that with the coronavirus being the dominant theme and throughout the world, that we are already entering into  new phase of collective trauma and had might as well start getting used to it.  I'm still limiting the amount of time that I'm out, even if I am being careful.  Even if saying in all the time isn't realistic, there is the matter of at least trying to comply.

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