Monday 15 March 2021

The Peacock 100

 "I must have imagined it somehow."

"You more than imagined it", says Carl.

"Should we tell them, Carl?"

"There are no secrets in this house", intones Melissa.

"I don't really I know how to explain it."

"There was a person named Cosme here many years ago," Carl says.  "He was a member of the cult that occupied this place during the sixties, and in all likelihood he disappeared with the rest of them."  

"How do you know this?", says Carol. She is just reaching for her cup of coffee.

"He left a diary.  And it just happens that Christopher and I found it again, last night in his bedroom."

"Well, you knew it was there," say I.

"But I still haven't read any of it."  Carl is grinning.

"Well, don't you think it's time?" Carol says, popping into her mouth a swollen black grape.

"There is just one little complication", says Carl.

"Which is", says Carol

"It's all written in Spanish."

"Jesús", says Carol, "You speak Spanish."

"We could begin today," says Jesús.

"What time today?", says Carol."

"We are all meeting today", says Jesús.  Yes?"

"After lunch", says Melissa.

"After lunch," echoes Jesús.

"After lunch", I concur.

"After lunch", concurs Carl in a radio announcer voice.

"After lunch", says Aaron, laughing lightly.

"After lunch", Carol announces with theatrical flourish.  And now, we are all laughing as she pops another grape into her mouth...

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