Tuesday 16 March 2021

The Peacock 101

 Finally, some moments of solitude.  Breakfast was again a sumptuous feast, and today we all participated in the cleanup.  Even Carol, who actually took charge of everything.  That woman has brass balls. She directed everything and everyone, and both Carl and Melissa seemed content to let someone else do their job for them.  She does have that energy of the reigning matriarch.  She must be hell to live with.  This path is taking me in a different direction.  I thought I was headed towards the southern magnolia, but I haven't  seen this big patch of lawn before.  I can only imagine the work that must go into this place, but apparently the community members all participate in care and upkeep.  What an amazing spectacle of irises.  First golden, then giving way to the richest and most intense violet.  They are bearded iris, the big classic blooms.  They smell rather like vanilla.  

There is the brother who was at dinner last night, the other brother, setting up with a garden hose and he is already beginning to water the irises.  He sees me and smiles.  I come over. 

"How are you this fine morning, Cosme?"  He does seem genuinely cheerful, and I detect a very kind soul.  He offers me his free hand to shake.  "My name is Edward."

"Hi.  Nice to meet you, Edward.  By the way, I have finally remembered my name..."

"Which would be..."


"Ah, yes. So good to officially meet you, Christopher.  How are you today?"

He sounds definitely British, but by his accent, I don't think he's from around London.  Possibly the Midlands or further north.

"Better.  I'm sorry about last night."

"Think nothing about it, man.  We all go through things here,  I have also wept at table.  But you are feeling well, today?"

"Yes.  Thanks for asking.  How long have you lived here?"

"Two years ago.  Didn't George tell you this morning that we came here together?"

"Oh, yes, you both came here from the monastery."

Edward goes suddenly silent and is focussed simply now on watering the irises.  We both know the conversation is over.  For now, anyway...and didn't George just tell me this morning that his name is Jeff and not Edward...?

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