Monday 29 March 2021

The Peacock 114

 "That sense of spiritual warfare, it was all over the place.  We were going through some massive social changes, and I think there has been a lot of darkness shrouding the earth.  During the eighties, it just got so ugly.  Governments became increasingly hostile towards the poor and vulnerable, and the general attitude was becoming so selfish, cold and heartless.  Evil was penetrating everywhere.  And we also had the AIDS pandemic, when the illness was one hundred percent lethal.  On top of that, I became aware of a number of parties that seemed to be delving in the black arts.  A coven of punk Satanists moved into the apartment upstairs a couple of months later and all hell broke loose.  I wasn't sure at first, but they were noisy and super inconsiderate, and when they became aware of my complaints they got ugly.  I could hear things going on upstairs, that seemed like rituals, with silence and chanting of some kind,  Then there would be talking, and noise carried pretty easy in that building.  I was living at the time downtown in an apartment on Robson Street, near Burrard.

"One evening, just before I went out to the café downtown where I hung out with various street folk,  I heard them conducting a ritual.  Then, something was being poured from upstairs down against my living room window.  At first I thought someone was peeing out the window, but remembering that the windows opened from above, realised that would be physically very difficult, if not impossible. I could also hear one of them saying,'Make sure it runs right against his window', so I knew I was being targeted.  Then in unison, they all rhythmically were stomping on my ceiling.  Now I am sure they were putting a death curse on me.  

"All hell began to break loose. That fall, a very difficult and belligerent client I was seeing wrongly accused me of sexual assault, in order to get rid of me.  I was exonerated, but that shadow never left me till I resigned from my job a couple of years later.  Then I began having accidents.  And a huge toothache resulting in an extraction, and a totally inappropriate scolding from the dentist, who provided his services free to the local poor, and didn't seem to consider or care that I as a low income worker, could not pay for dental treatment.  I developed boils, one on the back of my neck, one on the lower tip of my spine and one on the back of my heel, all exuding the same yellow pus, which I had never seen on my body before.  I was nearly hit by a car, threatened by an aggressive dog, all of these things happening within days.

"t was early December and I went on a weekend retreat to the Abbey, in need of rest and recovery.  What a dumb move..."

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