Tuesday 9 March 2021

The Peacock 94

 "Hi Christopher: It is good to hear from you.  I will connect with you on Skype in a few days, but you're on retreat right now, so you must want some time for quiet.  I am going to need a place to stay when I arrive in Vancouver, and the homestay I had arranged for fell through.  Would I be able to stay with you for a while?  I hope this isn't an imposition.  I really look forward to talking with you.  Let me know, please."

I check the time that I received his email.  It was just five minutes ago.  Maybe now.  I don't know why I am becoming so bold.  First being all stark naked in front of dear brother George, whom I suspect isn't anywhere near that innocent, and now all ready for a Skype session with dear former brother in law, Erik, with whom I very nearly committed incest.  What is wrong with me?  I will send him an invitation on Skype.  Here is the page.  New conversation.  I have just copied and pasted his address, and now it is sent.  And oh my, the light is green on his page.  His icon is a full moon.  Now here it is, just under my little invitation with that manic smiley face, so needy, waving his big yellow hand.  And now, Eric is typing...

"Hello Christopher"

"Hello Erik", I type.

"What time is it where you are?"

"Six-thirty.  Are you in Sweden?  What time is it there?

"Three-thirty pm."

"We could chat now if you have time."

"How long do you have?"

"Half an hour, then I have to go down for breakfast".

Now, suddenly, that ding dang dong ring of a Skype call, and my hand is trembling as I pick up the call....

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