Friday 26 March 2021

The Peacock 111

 "Judith left on me a strong impression.  She seemed like a young earth mother, very warm, generous.  We never became close friends, but we often stopped  to say hi and chat.  Very different from her big brother, who was then an absolute mess.  Of course, we all go through our seasons of change, and by the time Duff was staying with me again, two years later, Judith was the mother of a newborn, and Duff was telling me about the farmhouse she had told him about.  There seemed an insistence, almost an expectation, that I should take the house.  And in retrospect I found that very troubling."

"Why would that be?" Carl asks.

"There appeared to be something really weird, creepy, and I would say, downright satanic, occurring on that same property.  And this really became an ongoing headache for the next six years that I lived there."

"How would you know for sure?" I ask.

"Well", Aaron says, "I could never be totally sure.  But those people operate in secret, and that is where they derive their power and that is one of their most powerful weapons for destroying people. Throughout the eighties and some of the nineties we had been strongly aware of a huge push against what we were doing in Christ, as opposition from Satan, who did not want to see people set free from his chains, who would resist to the very last every incursion of the kingdom of God on his territory, even if he would be always fighting a losing battle, because love is always stronger than darkness, hate and fear.  But I also suspect that we had taken on an unhealthy obsession with this same darkness, and we  ended up wasting an awful lot of time and energy.  But we were also very much in harm's way.  And I can tell you a bit..."    

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