Tuesday 30 August 2022

The Peacock 622

 "I for one", says Matthew, "As a gay man, am really intrigued by that metaphor."

"How do you mean", says Carl.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I am old enough to remember back in the day, when being gay in Canada, was not much safer than being Jewish in Nazi Germany."

"How old are you now?" asks Sarah.

"Seventy-eight."  Once he is sure he is not about to be interrupted again, continues, "It was in the early sixties when I started to explore sex with other men.  I would have been around eighteen.  I was dating a girl in college, but we had already a secret arrangement that kept us both safe.  Diane was a lesbian, a very pretty, feminine lesbian who wore make up and lovely dresses, but was only into, as they say, women.  We were actually matched up on a blind date, with a girlfriend of hers and her, um, boyfriend.  You see, they were also both gay, and Theresa was actually Diane's lover, and Tom was a guy I was fooling around with in the trails.  They wanted us to be safe, and so they shared our good fortune.  Nobody guessed  for three years.  We double dated, then the two girls would go home together and Tom and I would find a sleazy hotel, since we were both living with our parents.  it was a perfect arrangement, until along came Rob, who ruined everything..."

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