Saturday 31 August 2024

The Peacock 1350

 "I have been in your store on Granville Island", says Sarah to Dorothy as she sits down beside her on the couch.

"You were buying scented candles", she says, in a crisp upper Canada diction.

"You have a wonderful place."

"Why thank you.  It is a pleasure having good clientele."

"Dorothy has brought over one of her piñatas", says Carol, who is seated on the couch on her other side.  she pulls it up.  It is shaped like a great shining silver and gold star.  If it wasn't so huge it would be appropriate on top of a Christmas tree.

"I brought it from Magic.  It is filled with liqueur chocolates."  She has a very calm, deadpan kind of manner, but appears to be always struggling to disguise a wee little smile full of mischievous cynicism.

"You brought it from Magic", says Carl, pulling up a chair from the dining room table.  "Do you also pull rabbits out of hats?"

"Magic, my good man", says Carol, "Happens to be the name of her store on Granville Island.  I am sometimes a regular customer..." 

Friday 30 August 2024

The Peacock 1349

 The odour of fresh cooking wafts from the kitchen and the living room is full of people: Francois, George, Chelsea, and a woman I have not met before.  She is around sixty, but with her short white haircut could pass for older.  She is dressed in a shapeless green, blue and purple caftan, with bangles hanging from both forearms.

"Hello, Christopher", chimes Chelsea, "I would like you to meet Dorothy, my mother's partner.  The woman smiles shyly and raises her hand as I approach to briefly shake it.  

"Hello Carl", says Chelsea, And he follows me to make his introductions to Dorothy.

"And", says Carl, "This is Sarah, and Jesús."

"Where is Jeffrey?" says Carl.

"I'm in the kitchen, cooking dinner."

"Can I help with anything", say I.

"In about five minutes you can chop mushrooms and garlic if you don't mind making your fingers smell lovely..."

Thursday 29 August 2024

The Peacock 1348

 "People are scared", says Carl.

"It's not, as some fearmongers have claimed, an existential threat.  When I was fifteen, back in 1990 when Kenny came back to live with us, I was already joining him as he visited friends of his who were dying in hospital.  What an eye-opener that was. I remember the first time I saw someone with advanced kaposi's sarcoma.  His face was swollen to twice its normal size and he was covered in purple lesions.  They managed to knock him out with morphine, and it was just after our visit, perhaps a few minutes, when he passed away.  And there were others.  We were living in perpetual bereavement, because Kenny was family to us, and by extension, his street brothers and sisters became our own.  I don't wish to denigrate what is happening to your mother, but people have a very short memory about this, especially since it mostly affected people that society tends to despise and marginalize.

"Point taken", says Carl, as we turn down the street where I live.  "Did these experiences help you decide to go into nursing?"

"Without question..." and now we are pulling into the driveway....

Wednesday 28 August 2024

The Peacock 1347

 "I wish this pandemic would end", says Sarah.  "Way too many deaths.  Thank the Lord your mom is doing okay now."

"She's not out of the woods yet" says Carl, not looking up from his phone.

"Am I the only one here who remembers AIDS when it was one hundred percent lethal."

"Well, you are the senior member here", says Carl.

"I must have been, what, six years old when we first heard about it.  Dad was reading the news aloud to me one evening, and he never was one to censor things in order to protect my innocence. Then, a couple of years later, Kenny came into our lives, and as a  sex worker, he was at high risk, so even while he was on the street, Dad would keep him in condoms.At that time, at the age of eight, I knew there were homosexuals, prostitutes and drug addicts, and I knew that their unsafe practices made them particularly vulnerable to this horrible death.  When Kenny was staying with us, sometimes that was all he would talk about. But AIDS, while one hundred percent fatal, was often overshadowed by other concerns, because it only seemed to affect the already marginalized.  Now we have covid with perhaps a one point five mortality rate, and because it's mainstream, everyone is shrieking and whimpering....

Tuesday 27 August 2024

The Peacock 1346

 We have been sitting here silent in my car now for almost ten minutes.  And now I can hear what sounds like Jesús snoring lightly in the back seat.  Sarah nudges him awake.  "We thank you, Lord", say I, "For the life of Yuri.  We commend into your hands the safekeeping of his soul.  May this very day, Jesus, he find himself dining at your table.  Amen."  The others also say amen.

"That was very beautiful Christopher", says Sarah.

"Yes", says Carl.

"Thank you", says Jesus.

Everyone is quiet as we drive the rest of the way home  They are coming down from their their high, and I imagine everyone must have the munchies now.

"I imagine you're all a little hungry", say I.

"More than a little", says Carl, who appears to be texting on his phone.

"who are you texting?" says Sarah.

"My sister.  I want to tell her about my visit with Mom today..."

Monday 26 August 2024

The Peacock 1345

 "Just doin' my job."

"Yeah, like professional killjoy is somewhere on your resumé."

"Oh Carl", says Sarah, "Do give it a rest, will you?  Christopher has done the right thing.  Okay?"

"It's just on five", say I.  "There might be something on the news. " And sure enough, it is the first announcement.

"A man has been found dead following a vehicle accident in New Westminster less than two hours ago.  A high reading of alcohol has been detected in his blood, and foul play is not suspected.  Found in his vehicle next to him were a baseball bat and what appear to be two house keys..."

"That is just so sad", says Sarah, who is suddenly crying.  "That poor man.  What a terrible thing to happen."

"Instant karma", says Carl.

"Yeah", affirms Jesús.

"How can the two of you both be so fucking callous", she is almost shouting.

"Sarah is right", I concur. turning on Oak Street to turn again on West Tenth."

"Hey, where are you going", says Carl.

There is a convenient space just on the right where I stop the car.

"Why are you stopping?" says Jesús.

"Look", say I, "Regardless of who he was or what he tried to do to us, the man is a human being, and we are going to pause here for two minutes of silence in his memory.  Jesús, what was your landlord's name?

Yuri", he replies....

Sunday 25 August 2024

The Peacock 1344

 "I really should have been more careful.  But all the stress and excitement today, of course I wasn't going to be my most watchful, what, with the long trip down here, staying with Carol, and then the incident with that poor Ukrainian man.  Oh, I do hope he's okay, how awful.  We really should have stayed and at least helped the police.  There is a law against fleeing the scene of an accident."

"How could we have possible helped?" says Carl.  "First he tried to assault Jesús when he couldn't extort him, then he tried to run us down with his fucking truck.  And the police are going to find the alcohol in his system.  Not our problem."

"But what if he dies?"

"He'll be okay."

Say I, "Jesus did say that he would be sitting at his table tonight.  Whatever that means."

"Jesus?" says Sarah.

"The kid who told me to give him the baseball bat and the keys, when he approached the car."

"I didn't see or hear anyone", says Sarah.

"Better believe him", says Carl.  "How else could the bat and the keys have disappeared like that?  And now Chris, about those cookies you just threw in the garbage...

Saturday 24 August 2024

The Peacock 1343

 Everyone is quiet on the ride home, now the magic of the THC high is starting to wear off.  Jesús and Carl are both looking at their phones.  Sarah stares resolutely ahead from the back seat where she sits next to Jesús  "I really should have known better", she says.  Why didn't I read the damn sign on the display case."

"The name "Baked" didn't give you a clue", says Carl.

"Well, no, it didn't.

"But you did have fun, Sarah."

"She doesn't answer."

"Come on, fess up.  You were having the time of your life."

"I did enjoy singing with Nicole."

"You two sounded great together", say I.

"And you enjoyed it", says Carl.  "You totally enjoyed being high."

"I sinned. We sinned."

"Oh bollocks", says Carl.  "We were having a party....

Friday 23 August 2024

The Peacock 1342

 "What" says Carl, putting down his spoon.

"You're all stoned on pot, that's what."

"tTe cookies!" says Sarah, now alarmed.

"The cookies", say I, gathering up the bag of the remaining cookies. "And now it is time to go home and sleep it off."

"Bye Nicole", says Sarah with a big wave and equally big smile.

She waves back tepidly but is right now distracted by a couple of new customers.

"Hey, what are you doing with those cookies", says Carl, as he sees me headed towards a garbage can.

"I am disposing of the evidence", say I.

"Sarah paid big bucks for those cookies."

"Let him toss them", she says.  "I should have known better."

"Baked" says Carl, giggling as he opens the car door.

"totally fuckin' baked", say I, as I start the ignition and gently pull out of the parking space...

Thursday 22 August 2024

The Peacock 1341

 The server has not moved from behind the counter, but has maintained her part as she sings a harmonized duet the Bette Midler song, the Rose, with Sarah, followed by more applause from the other table with whistles and cheering.  

"You're really good", she calls out to Sarah.

"As are you. What's your name?"



Then Nicole looks in my direction and says, "No cookie for you?  Are you the designated driver?"

"I am actually.."  Carl and Jesús are having a sword fight with their two coffee spoons, both giggling like two silly little twits.  Sarah keeps trying to knock their spoons out of their hands with her own spoon.

"Good plan.  These cookies are potent."

"Potent?" say I.  "They have a lot of sugar?"

Then, with a big wide shiteating grin, Nicole points at a piece of paper taped in front of the display case below her.  "Come have a read", she says, deadpan.

I approach the counter and the sign says, "Every baked product on this side contains cannabis or cannabinoid compounds.  You must be over eighteen."

"Are you all over eighteen?"

"That we are", and I return to our table.  "Guess what, you guys""

Wednesday 21 August 2024

The Peacock 1340

 The music has changed, slightly. Early Joni Mitchell singing "Both Sides Now.  Suddenly Sarah joins in, her iridescent soprano making the famous singer sound flat and listless, and soon drowns her out completely.  She sings

"Bows and flows of angel hair

and ice cream castles in the air

and feather canyons everywhere

I've looked at clouds that way.

The server joins in from behind the counter, her range a bit lower, not quite contralto, but still very good,

but now they only block the sun,

they rain and snow on everyone,

so many things I could have done, 

but clouds got in the way,

I've looked at clouds from both sides now

from up and down yet still somehow

It's clouds illusions I recall,

I really don't know clouds, at all.

Now the couple from the next table are laughing and cheering and clapping as are we and the two women continue singing .

Tuesday 20 August 2024

The Peacock 1339

 "We really do have to keep him in line", say I.

"Totally agreed", says Sarah, grinning.

"I'll buy you yet", says Carl, imitating a film noir gangster.  "Every single one of you little rotters.  i'll buy you all, body and soul.  You will be mine...mine...mine....mine", then he ends with a maniacal laugh.

"Yeah", say I, "Just look at the little price tags hanging from our necks."  Jesús finally is smiling

"Wanna cookie, little boy", says Carl, dangling a chocolate chip cookie in his face.  Still smiling, Jesús accepts the cookie and bites into it.

"anyone else", says Sarah.  "There's lots."

"I'm still full from lunch", say I, and it looks like I am the single abstainer as my friends all greedily dive into the bags and begin to devour cookies.  "maybe we should save some for the others when we get home?"

"Probably a good idea", says Carl.  "But for some reason, I can't seem to stop.  

"nor I", says Sarah.

"Me neither", says Jesús who suddenly breaks into a maniacal laugh, followed by Sarah, and then Carl.

The server looks on from behind the counter, a conspiratorial grin forming on her face.  She appears to know something that we do not...

Monday 19 August 2024

The Peacock 1338

 The very thin girl behind the counters is wearing a white sleeveless T shirt, showing her tattoo sleeves as well as the ink work on her upper chest and neck.  "Four americanos", she says, in the voice of a B movie waitress who would be cracking gum and rolling her eyes.  "For here?"  Her head is shaved on both sides and the rest of her long acid green hair is tied back in a tight ponytail.    While the rest of us share a table with our coffees, Sarah stays to order a substantial bag of cookies.

"This place must be new", say I.

"We opened two weeks ago", says the server as she brings over a tray with our americanos.  "Cream and sugar is over there at the end of the counter.

"The music seems unusually soft and pleasant for this kind of ambience, just an obscure young woman's voice singing sweetly to an acoustic guitar.

"anyone want a cookie, or should we wait", says Sarah "I bought two  dozen each chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin."

"How much do I owe you?" says Carl, reaching for his wallet."

"You're money's no good here,Carl", she says demurely...

Sunday 18 August 2024

The Peacock 1337

 "I'm still not sure we did the right thing."

"What would have happened had we stayed?" says Carl.

"We could have seen if he was okay."

"Police would be involved."

"but we didn't do anything wrong or illegal."

"They might be nice to Carl, who is decently white", say I.  "But the rest of us?  Come on Sarah, you are Metis, Jesús is Colombian and I look Mexican.  They can get very ugly about race."

"I guess I should have thought of that.  Hey, is that Commercial Drive coming up?"

"Should I turn?"

"We're looking for a bakery."

And here is a bakery, and all I have to do is find a parking space.  There appears to be seating for coffee inside..

"that's an interesting name", she says.  "Baked."  On Eleventh Avenue in front of some old character houses we find a parking space, and now we are all tumbling out of the car...

Saturday 17 August 2024

The Peacock 1336

 Jesús is not looking at his phone.  In the rearview mirror I see him sometimes staring out the window, sometimes down into his lap.

"How's it going, Jesús", says Sarah, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Okay."  he says with effort.

"Is there something we can do?"

"You are doing everything right now.  Thank you.  I think I am tired."

"How about some cookies.  Hey Christopher, let's stop at a bakery for treats.  What do you think?"

"Good idea."

"It's so sad about Jesus' landlord being in that accident.  I hope he's okay.  We really should have stayed at the scene, I think."

"I was told to get moving."

"By who?"

"By the kid you didn't see", says Carl.  Sarah does not appear to have a ready answer for that...

Friday 16 August 2024

The Peacock 1335

 "Very funny."

"Sarah", says Carl. "You've been with us a couple of years.  You've never seen or experienced around there any unusual phenomena."

""I've heard from some of you about weird encounters with supernatural beings, if that's what you're getting at.  but no.  Nothing at all.  But it stands to reason.  I have a very logical mind, so I'm not inclined to flights of the imagination."

"How like my sister Melissa you are"

"I don't have autism", she enunciates,"if that's what you are implying."

"Nothing of the sort, Sarah. nothing at all of the sort."

"Maureen, yes, she said she's seen some odd phenomena, bright lights and supernatural presence and stuff.  Jennifer has at times felt very uneasy going outside.  But they are also quite imaginative, unlike me."

"You're proud of being unimaginative?" 

"Don't gaslight.  I'm proud of having a logical mind."


Thursday 15 August 2024

The Peacock 1334

 Say I, "We think he might have been held hostage on the island with the kid."

"kid?  What kid?"

"The teenage Jesus."

"Teenage Jesus!  you must be having me on!"

"We just saw him a few minutes ago."

"I didn't see anyone", says Sarah.

"Neither did I.  nor Jesús", says Carl.  "But how else are we to explain the disappearance of the baseball bats and Jesus' key to that guy's apartment."

"what do you mean Teenage Jesus"  jesus was not a teenager."

"At one time he was", say I, "otherwise he would not have lived till he was thirty..."


Wednesday 14 August 2024

The Peacock 1333

 "He seemed to particularly like me for some reason, and at first I wondered if he was simply attracted to me, but I became pretty sure that his interest in me was completely platonic.  Of course, I did have to nail him with it one day in the kitchen of the hostel.  After taking and washing my dishes unasked for the eighth or ninth time, I asked him what he wanted from me.  He looked really embarrassed and nonplussed and simply said that I was his Christian sister and he wanted to serve me.  He could never seem to tire of dancing attendance on me, so I grew to accept it and even to enjoy it.  Though I really did try as much as possible to reciprocate.  But, no, we never did become close.  So, he lives here now...

Tuesday 13 August 2024

The Peacock 1332

 "Do you know him", say I?

"He was working in the hostel as well as attending church with us, if that's the same person.  I think he'd just gotten married."

"Anything else?"

"There was something very strange about him.  I couldn't really name it.  Apparently he had disappeared somewhere in this area for a good number of years, but has no recall of where he was or what happened.

"You didn't exactly like him", says Carl.

"He was actually very sweet.  but there was something else.  I couldn't put my finger on it".

And now, as we are leaving Queen's Park, I have finally put my finger on what it is about Sarah that makes me uncomfortable with her.  She always has to put her finger on it, she has to know uncategorically how to define everything and everyone in order for them to have any real existence for her.  an intensely logical, intensely reductionist mind...

Monday 12 August 2024

The Peacock 1331

 As we are leaving the house Sarah says", what's this I hear about you and Francois working with the homeless on East Hastings?"

"Just the other day", says Carl, "they both ran into an old flame of Christopher's.  He's now a faithful Christian, unfortunately also an anti-vaccer, but altogether a decent guy, from all accounts.

"I believe I was asking Christopher.  Christopher?"

I am not about to dignify that with a reply as I unlock the door and step into my car.

"did I just embarrass you", says Carl as he slides in next to me.

"I believe that I was talking to Sarah", as I start the car.

"You know this guy", says Carl to Sarah.

"what's his name?"

"Chuck", say I, beating Carl to the draw.

"He's Australian", says Carl.  "You met him in Melbourne."

"Chuckie?" she says , surprised, but neither annoyed nor delighted...

Sunday 11 August 2024

The Peacock 1330

 There are six rooms and a bathroom in the attic.  They seem rather spartan and small, but functional and with multiple dimensions because of the dormer windows and the sloping walls.

"Seventeen potential bedrooms"say I.

"Which means one thing" says Carl.

"That we can fit everyone in here under one roof", says Sarah.

Jesús hasn't looked at his phone once, since coming in the house with us.  "I hope I can live here with you", he says.

"You are more than welcome", says Carl.  "Chris..."

"I don't know.  I still think I should stay in my father's house."

"I don't see why not", says Sarah.  

"What are Jason's and Lazarus' plans", says Carl.

"I honestly think they're done with us.  Before we left this morning Lazarus stated most emphatically that they don't want any more drama."

"Then they'd might as well stop living" says Carl.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Thye Peacock 1329

 "How many bedrooms""

"Ten or maybe twelve", say I.  We haven't really had a lot of time in here to have a really good look at the place", says Carl.

On the main floor, besides the kitchen, dining room and two bathrooms, we have come across three ocasional rooms that could be used for any purpose, including for sleeping.  This time the house does appear in much better condition, though it does need a good paint job and some floor work.  The staircase winds gently to the second floor  two bathrooms and eight rooms, possibly bedrooms.  And there are more stairs leading to the attic.  Like the exterior of the house blue and white seem to make up the colour scheme of all the rooms. A creamy white and a deep sky blue.  A little bit intense, but very pretty, all the same.

"are we going to keep the colour scheme as it is?"

"It would be quicker and more efficient just to paint everything the same shade of eggshell white", says Carl...

Friday 9 August 2024

The Peacock 1328

 "She doesn't know", say I, as we pull up in front of the house.  There is fortunately a parking space right there.

"Know what", says Sarah,, "What's there to know.

"Long story", says Carl", as we are all getting out of the car.  "But do you remember Jason's account last week, about the island near Victoria and the mansion on top of a hill?"

"Oh, yes, I must have forgotten."  Carl leads us to the house and unlocks the door.

"This place is beautiful", says Sarah, stepping inside just ahead of me.  "It looks like a doll's house."

"needs a bit of work", says Carl."

"It will do just fine.  We could begin painting right away."

"I've already contracted some professionals..."

Thursday 8 August 2024

The Peacock 1327

 "Shouldn't we be staying for the police", says Sarah.  "They will be needing a witness.

"Didn't you hear what the kid said?"

"What kid?"

"The teenage Jesus.  He came over and took the baseball bat and keys and told us to go."

"Are you having me on", says Sarah.

"Better believe him", says Carl.

"What, you saw him too."

"I saw him approach the car.  I didn't see anything else."

"Jesús", says Sarah, "Did you see anyone."


"Did you return your keys to your landlord", says Carl.

"I forget.  they are still in my pocket."

"Check", say I.

"No, I cannot find them."

"Do you see any baseball bat", says Carl.

"No", says Sarah.  "What in the hell is going on here!"

Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Peacock 1326

 Right now there is someone approaching.  He is wearing a simple collarless white shirt and blue jeans.  Very young, a boy.  It is the kid, or the Jesus kid.  He approaches my side of the car and I roll down my window.

"Give me the evidence.  Right now", he says softly, his bright green eyes shining like beacons on the high sea.


"The baseball bat and the key.  Give them to me right now.""

Jesús hands me the key which I give the boy, followed by the baseball bat.

"The man who sought to harm you will be visiting at my table tonght", says the boy.  "now please go, while there is time."

"But", say I.

"Now leave this place."  And as though the car has taken on a will of it's own, we are suddenly taking another side road, already well away from the scene of the accident while we hear the pulsating howl of sirens...

Tuesday 6 August 2024

The Peacock 1325

 We are almost in Queen's Park, when I see a black SUV looming ahead, blocking our way on the side street I have taken.

"Oh my God", says Jesús.  It him!"

"Did you give him his keys", says Sarah.

"Shit, I forget" says Jesús.  And the Ukrainian's baseball bat is still on the floor at Carl's feet.

"better give him what he wants", say I , stopping the car, but before I can remove my seatbelt, the SUV is suddenly advancing on us, picking up speed and momentum.  He means to crash into us.  I back up,frantically seeking an exit.  he stupidly swerves and now the sickening crunching sound of metal on metal as he crashes into a street light.

There is nothing, no movement from the vehicle.  We advance closer and, yes, he is slumped over.  Sarah is already calling 911...

Monday 5 August 2024

The Peacock 1324

 Carl has gone in with Jesús to help him get all his belongings while Sarah distracts the Ukrainian landlord and I stand sentry with the baseball bat.

"Who are you?" he says to Sarah.

"I am a librarian at the public Library, on leave right now during covid. I also have a minor in law, and I used to work in tenancy support, so I know all the laws, and you do not have a legitimate case here.

"How come Canadian women so bossy.  Ukrainian women much better.  They obey husband.

"I am not married."

"How come you not married.  You need good husband.  might be too late, you get old now."

"I've already been married", she says tactfully.

"And now you divorce.  How come Canadian girls no keep their man."

"I am a widow", she says, choking back emotion.

"How come you no find other husband, since your husband dead now."

"I was married to a woman", she says, just as Carl and Jesús are coming out.  They are each carrying two plastic garbage bags full of our Colombian friend's earthly possessions.

"That's all you need to know for now", says Sarah as we are all headed back to my car.

"what about his baseball bat", says Sarah

"I´ll drop it on the next corner", say I.

"Well done", says Carl.  "We don't need that goof smashing your windows....

Sunday 4 August 2024

The Peacock 1323

 Through the open door there is the roar of shouting in heavily accented English.  But it isn't Jesús and the accent is decidedly Slavic.    The landlord is blocking the door with his back and wielding what appears to be a baseball bat.

"You pay me rent!" he bellows.  "You pay me full rent for next month or I smash out your brain!"  Carl yanks the bat from his arms and tosses it over to Sarah who hands it to me.  It is Sarah who is doing the talking.

"Excuse me, would you kindly explain why you are threatening our friend with a baseball bat."  She sounds calm, but clearly is not about to take prisoners.

"Who are these people?" shouts the landlord, still almost screaming.

"We are his friends", says Carl, "and he is going to be living with us."

He turns around.,  his face is round with hard looking dark eyes, a pudgy face that hasn't been properly shaved in several days, and a very bad, greasy comb over that is coming loose.  I can smell alcohol.

Waving his arms dramatically he shouts, "I come from Ukraine three year ago get 'way from dis kind bullshit and now tis stupid little foreigner cheat me.  Cheat me.  Cheat me!" his voice ascends to a high pitched squeal.

"Has he paid this month's rent?" says Sarah.

"Yes", says Jesús, standing as far away from him as possible.  The apartment appears dark and dingy, shabbily furnished.

"You no give me one month notice.  You owe me one month rent.

"He owes you nothing" says Sarah.

"You shut up, dumb stupid bitch."

"this is an illegal suite,  the tenancy laws are not binding in this case.  He is free to go..."

Saturday 3 August 2024

The Peacock 1322

 The drive has taken us through Richmond to the Queensborough Peninsula where we cross the bridge into what is properly New Westminster. Suddenly Jesús says", I live nearby with Marla, but today I can move out.  I have only to pick up my clothes.  We stop here please?"

"Where, exactly?" say I.

"And Jesús says, Right here please."

"The house is a stucco, box-shaped structure built in the 1960's, much like the fabled Vancouver Specials.  While Jesús unlocks the basement door, a middle aged white man comes from the back of the house and stops him.  We can hear him shouting at Jesús as he gesticulates wildly.  Jesús tries to ignore him and proceeds inside the house.  The man, presumably his landlord follows him.

"I don't like the looks of this", says Carl, opening his door."

"What are you doing?". say I.

"I'm going with you "says Sarah, stepping out of the car, leaving me little option but to follow them...

Friday 2 August 2024

The Peacock 1321

 "I imagine there are", says Sarah.  "Hey, these blintzes are spectacular!"

"So, what's our next stop from here?" says Carl.

"Beats me", say I.

"I would love to see the house you bought", says Sarah.

"That could be arranged", says Carl.  "But Chris is our chauffeur."

"Are you buying gas?"


Thursday 1 August 2024

The Peacock 1320

 It is especially hard when it is your mother", says Jesús, who has finally put down his phone in order to eat.

"Jesús", say I suddenly, "We do have a rule here.  We put away our phones during meals together.  No exceptions."

"I am sorry", he says, slipping his smartphone into his pants pocket.  

"It's nothing at all personal", says Sarah"

"iI understand."

"Where do these friends of your mom's come into the picture", says Sarah.

"they were both leaders for decades in an American evangelistic missionary society, called Youth with a Mission.  there was some controversy building around their style of leadership so, in their base in Switzerland they bailed and found themselves on my mother's doorstep."

"Where are they from", say I.

"straight from Wisconsin."

"Which city."

"I don't know.  Are their cities in Wisconsin?"