Saturday 31 August 2024

The Peacock 1350

 "I have been in your store on Granville Island", says Sarah to Dorothy as she sits down beside her on the couch.

"You were buying scented candles", she says, in a crisp upper Canada diction.

"You have a wonderful place."

"Why thank you.  It is a pleasure having good clientele."

"Dorothy has brought over one of her piñatas", says Carol, who is seated on the couch on her other side.  she pulls it up.  It is shaped like a great shining silver and gold star.  If it wasn't so huge it would be appropriate on top of a Christmas tree.

"I brought it from Magic.  It is filled with liqueur chocolates."  She has a very calm, deadpan kind of manner, but appears to be always struggling to disguise a wee little smile full of mischievous cynicism.

"You brought it from Magic", says Carl, pulling up a chair from the dining room table.  "Do you also pull rabbits out of hats?"

"Magic, my good man", says Carol, "Happens to be the name of her store on Granville Island.  I am sometimes a regular customer..." 

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