Thursday 20 January 2022

The Peacock 402

"This one's from the next day, June 30".

"He appears to be on a roll here", Carl says, holding the bag of chocolate chips on his lap as though I will only be able to pry it from his cold dead fingers.  "Did he ever tell you any of this stuff?"

"He never went into that kind of detail with me. I knew he was having a hard time with everyone, and I basically knew why, but reading this is for me a revelation."

Carl reaches his hand into the bag and pulls out a small handful of chocolate chips and just tosses them like popcorn into his mouth.

"Jim and Chris are both at a youth meeting at the church tonight, which gives me the house to myself.  Doesn't happen too often.  They invited me along, but I said no way, I am not putting myself on display for those nice idiots.  Well, I didn't say that to them, but I think they have the idea now.  The thing is, I am seriously thinking of taking Cassandra back out of the closet for service next Sunday.  That's right, Harriet.  I'll go to church in full high drag, sequins and feather boa included.  Oh but won't I be just a vision of loveliness.  Nothing worth watching on TV tonight, so instead I am reading a murder mystery that Jim left lying around the house, as he often does with paperback novels.  And now I hear the car in the driveway so I better finish up here and pack this in, since I don't want them to know that I am writing about them.  I suppose I could stop attending church altogether, if I didn't actually get something out of being there, and I do.  There is a lovely sense of peace in those services.  If only I could somehow get around the people there...

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