Thursday 21 April 2022

The Peacock 492

 Two men I have never seen before appear in the doorway, and quietly make their way to the loveseat.  They seem both very quiet and circumspect, and somehow completely joined to each other.  I really don't know what to make of them.  One appears older, somewhere in his forties with gray hair combed back to reveal a thin but quiet and very lively face with large and very dark eyes.  He appears almost like an archangel in an Eastern Orthodox icon.  The other, seems still rather young, not even thirty I would say, with rather golden chestnut hair and a slightly broad high cheekboned face.  He is tall and slender, walking with a dancer's grace, and his eyes are particularly arresting, rather a pale amber gold with a glint of green.  

As they settle into the loveseat, Carl makes introductions.  "Lazarus", he gestures to the elder, "And Adam, I would like you to meet two of our honoured guests here, Christopher and Carol.

"Nice to meet you", says Adam.

"You are both part of the community here?" asks Carol.

"Yes", says Adam.  "we arrived more or less ten years ago, with some of the others."

"You must have been very young", she says.

"I would have been already in my mid thirties."

"Which would make you... You are very youthful."

"Has someone been making apple pies", says Adam, sniffing the air.

"They just came out of the oven", Melissa says.  

"They should be ready to eat soon, if anyone would fancy some", says Carol...


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