Friday 29 April 2022

The Peacock 500

 We begin the meeting with silence.  Carl's suggestion.  Apparently this has not been done here before.  This is a surprisingly comfortable and deep silence, and it is clear that the divine presence is indeed with us, and very present.  It is like we have all become members, or parts of one single living being, breathing, feeling and thinking, one.  I am thinking suddenly of Eric, and of Greta, and of how long will I be staying here, and perhaps I should just stay here and let Eric have the apartment, or perhaps he isn't going to come at all.  They have just stepped up the restrictions on international travel.  This pandemic shows no sign of ebbing.  And now, as though a warm, fragrant breeze is passing over me, taking with it this thought and the worry, and again I am left silent, empty, yet full, so full of what I cannot possibly contain, and the silence returns and I appear to be hearing as from a great distance the voice of Sarah as she invokes: "Oh God, may the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in thy sight."

"Lord, guide us, we ask you, Lord Jesus", prays Maureen.

"Give us wisdom, and fill our hearts with your love", says Jennifer.

Then, there is more silence.  There is the sound of a robin singing in the garden, and on the music of its warble sounds Carl, as he says, "Thank you Lord Jesus.  Amen."

"Now we are together", says Glen, a slight smile flickering on his lips.

"Today, the community is born", says Carl.

All eyes are open, and we glance at one another.  Melissa leaves the room, saying something about the pies.

"Do we have ice cream?" asks Carol.

"Tonnes of ice cream", murmurs Carl, "Mountains of ice cream.  A whole Mount Everest of ice cream."

"Vanilla?" whispers Carol, wistfully.

"Better", says Carl.  "White chocolate."

"Ah", she says, "White chocolate ice cream melting atop a warm apple pie..."

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