Saturday 19 June 2021

The Peacock 196

 "I was having a weird kind of dream, like I was in a noisy crowd within the gates of ancient Babylon, then suddenly I was lifted out of that place and I seemed to have woken up from it, but I thought I was still dreaming, because I was seeing him, seated before me, the same beautiful being, in white, surrounded by light.  Then he spoke to me.  He asked me to tell me how I was feeling, because I was troubled.  So, I told him, everything about my life, from the very earliest time of my childhood and through to the present time.  I told him everything, and then I felt light and unburdened.  So I asked him who he was.  He smiled, much as he just smiled for you, Christopher.  He said grinning mischievously, "You think I'm twenty-two?"  I replied, no, that he is older, much much older than twenty-two, and I saw the number eighty thousand, so I imagined he was at least eighty thousand years old.  He smiled again, and then I wrapped my arms around him, clinging to him, begging him to never leave me.  Then, I fell back to sleep again, if I had been awake, or perhaps in a different state altogether.  That morning, I woke up, then I fell asleep again and I had a vision of all the planets evenly aligned from the sun, each held secure in its orbit.  I heard the voice of the angel telling me, "You can never get far from me.  I am with you always."

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