Sunday 27 June 2021

The Peacock 204

 "I was going through a couple of challenges, myself", says Melissa. "I was just starting my first semester in artistic design, and that is also the year my husband and I divorced.

Carol is quietly studying her cup of coffee, as though not sure whether to  take another sip.

"Your turn, Carol", Melissa says.

"Yes, so was I."

"For me, that was the year when the shit was really hitting the fan." Melissa takes a bite from a cookie, then chews it methodically.  "And you, Carol?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say it in that kind of language."

Quite, I want to say, but this is purely between the two ladies present.

"Yes, there was a lot going on with me, back then."

"My husband had a drug addiction", Melissa says.

"Mine was a notorious lush", says Carol.

"My husband was violent", says Melissa.

"Graham sometimes used his fists."

"I fought back.  I was already advanced in karate.  I put him twice in hospital emergency."

"The third time, and the last time that Graham tried to hit me, I went after him with a knife.  He also had to get sutures.  He never laid a hand on me again."

"Josef was a Euro trash rock star."

"Graham was a symphony conductor.  That's how we met", says Carol..."

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