Sunday 10 October 2021

The Peacock 306

 Aaron reaches into his brown knapsack and pulls out a sketchbook.  He opens it and shows his most recent drawing, a lifelike colour sketch of the bird Sarah is staring at on her iphone.

"That is beautiful", she says almost in a whisper.  "Did you draw that?"

"I did".

"And that's the same bird.  What do you call it again?"


"And that is also my astrology sign.  But how did you know?"

"I didn't know."

"Then this must have been...foreordained?"  Sarah, I am noticing, does have that annoying teenage girl tendency of talking as though she is asking a question.  as though she isn't really sure of what she is saying and wants some kind of affirmation.

"I think it's hilarious", Carl says as he is polishing off his burger.  "First you're a lion, then you're a pig.  And that makes you, a beautiful fancy bird from somewhere in the freakin' jungle!"

"And that beautiful bird" Sarah says.  "But, where do they really live?"

"Central America", says Aaron.  "I've seen them in Costa Rica.

"So Carl", says Aaron", when is your birthday?"

"April 23.  Taurus."

"What year?"


"Year of the dog.  So, look up Taurus dog, Sarah, if you will."

"You're..a seagull."

"That's me, alright, a fuckin' shithawk," he says laughing as he reaches for his beer..."

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