Monday 18 October 2021

The Peacock 314

 All Seagulls really want to do is have a good time, which can make it difficult for them to focus when it comes time to work. More than anything, though, Seagulls are loyal, so they show up and do their duty in return for enough money to provide the basic security that they need to feel stable. Members of this sign like nice things, but don’t need to have them. They prefer love and friendship over money or success, and will only really work if they have to, or if they find a field that they are genuinely interested in.

In most cases, Seagulls will reach a point in their adult lives where they will be challenged to start acting their age. On their own, they would be content being a college student for the rest of their lives, but even they know that their lifestyle is not sustainable. Seagulls find the daily grind of reality depressing, and there are few things more difficult to be around than a Seagull in a bad mood. This is an unfortunate truth that members of this sign will need to come to terms with. They attract people to them with their fun and easy going nature, but when they are down and out, Seagulls notoriously become moody, depressed complainers who can’t seem to find a glass that isn’t half-empty. This is part of the reason that others find members of this sign to be immature.

Seagulls are artistic by nature, and enjoy coming up with unusual solutions to common problems. They are also socially aware and consider themselves “free thinkers” who believe strongly in social justice and equal rights for all people. They don’t like to argue these beliefs with anyone, and others usually learn this quickly after a rare angry outburst or two.

"That is embarrassingly accurate", says Carl.

"Hey Carl", says Aaron", chuckling, "You're young only once, but you can be immature forever."

"Oh, will you stop", Carl says, now laughing openly and genuinely.

"That sounds like Germaine Greer?" says Sarah.

Carl turns on Aaron a wide and wicked grin.  "Your turn, buddy!"

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