Saturday 16 October 2021

the Peacock 312

 "So, Christopher", says Sarah, "Are you ready for this?  About porcupines?"


Intuitive, creative, and charming, those born under the sign of the Porcupine have a sense of nobility to them that they carry wherever they go. Like their animal namesake, they are home bodies who don’t look for confrontation but are also quick to defend themselves. Likeable, graceful, and lucky, they value comfort to a high degree and will often put it above all else.

Though they are often socially progressive, Porcupines can be very set in their ways. They usually are influenced by their parents and teachers at an early age and may stubbornly stick to ideas and philosophies that no longer serve them. Porcupines do not like change. They do not like to think that their perspective may be flawed and when confronted with the truth this normally strong and confident sign often sticks its head in the sand. Members of this sign justify basing their actions on their emotions because they feel very certain that they are fair people, and therefore their perspective must also be fair.

"Does that sound like you?" Aaron asks.

"In some ways", I reply.  "I hate confrontation, and I will defend myself when I have to.  I think my father really influenced me a lot with his kind of Christian values, and none of that has left me.  And I do tend to make decisions based on my emotions..."

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