Friday 2 June 2023

The Peacock 897

 While opening the can of crushed tomatoes my eyes are drawn to a pink and sky blue rectangle on top of the kitchen table.  It is a book, blue background and the title and author's name are spelled out in pink letters:  "THE GENDER OF GOD, BY KAREN WILSON"  This would be the book that rev Jenkins had mentioned to me on the phone today.  Now that everything can be left to simmer I can have a look anyway.  There is a forward page at the front:

"At first I wanted to write this as a memoir of my very curious adventure in finding my true gender.  I long, since my earliest childhood, felt like a girl, then a woman trapped inside a male body.  I was able to conceal it well, and growing up in a small town in Northern Ontario, I would have to conform if I wanted to survive the narrow homophobic bigotry all too typical during the sixties.  I married young, just after high school, to the girl I had been dating since grade nine.  We had three beautiful children together, then divorced and went our separate ways ten years later.  I worked at a bank, then returned to school to upgrade.  It was at that time that I began to hear the voice of God calling me.  I entered the anglican Church, but kept a low profile, so that I could still explore the possibility of transitioning from male to female.  I thought I had it all laid out, like so many ducks in a row..."

This does look interesting.  I can hear a low murmur of my friends' voices in the living room.  Carl is laughing about something, and now so is Francois.  This is a good sign.  They don't know this, but I am quite aware of their mutual jealousy over me, so I plan to get those two to spend as much time alone together as possible.  and this will also give me time to breathe and debrief from that awfully intense week in Carl's mansion.  or so I am hoping.  And there is Eric coming in two days, but he will be in quarantine for two weeks as will be Carl's mother and her two friends.  This is going to be a very interesting time...

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