Tuesday 20 June 2023

The Peacock 914

 "How did you sleep, Christopher?" says Francois.

"Extremely well."  At first, that's all I'm going to tell him.  I want to guard my secret, my privacy.  I am protector of my father's house, and though invited guests,Francois and Carl are nonetheless invaders.  But I can't hold the secret any longer, and it comes blurting out, "It was just like when I was a child of four years old and I slept in my father's bed with him for six months after my mother died in a fiery car crash because we were both so traumatised by it and just had each other to hold onto, and oh it was so good being in that bed," and now I am trembling inside, knowing that I am trying to prevent the tears from welling up, but it's too late, and Francois, touches me gently on the shoulder."

"I'm so sorry, Christopher...I am so sorry.  I am glad we are here together."

"So am I", and now I mean it as my the portals of my heart swing wide open to welcome my new friend Francois, and also Carl as he comes walking out onto the deck with a steaming mug of coffee in his hand  Sheeba the cat is purring again, and Carl pulls up the deck chair on my other side, and I suddenly want to give him a big warm hug...

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