Friday 23 June 2023

The Peacock 917

 I suppose it's going to be French toast.  Good thing Francois picked out a nice big bottle of maple syrup.  Real maple syrup.  He remarked that as a  Montrealer he would not tolerate anything else on his pancakes.  They are conversing, and I can hear a lot of what they are saying.  Francois is passionately defending to Carl his need to work for a living, to carve his own path and to assert and celebrate his independence.  Carl has responded that if we are going to live together in community then we should all be ready to compromise.  And then Francois weighs in that that is only going to work if each member is already functioning well as an individual  Now he is citing his toxic experiences both at the mansion, then earlier at the monastery, and his full intentions of leaving completely not just the priesthood but also the Catholic Church, which simply crushes and rubs out of existence the dignity of the individual.  I am not sure if I agee, but that clearly has been Francois' experience, and I am not going to argue with him about this.  Carl also appears to be conceding, with each egg I am breaking into the mixing bowl, that Francois has not only a valid point of view, but that there are things that  Carl needs to learn from him and his experiences.

It is just now, as I am adding milk that I am aware that I really don't want to do this alone, and I am feeling suddenly and inexplicably tired.  Time to have a rest at the table...

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