Thursday 31 August 2023

The Peacock 986

 "There was a movie made about a pregnant man", say I, closing the book and setting it back on the coffee table.

"No kidding?" says Francois popping a grape into his mouth.  He is reclined on my father's sofa like Cleopatra barging up the Nile.  He looks so funny I want to laugh right out loud.

"I think I heard of it", says Carl.

"The Rabbit Test", say I, while holding out my palm to Francois for a few grapes, and he indifferently drops five into my hand. "Joan Rivers directed it."

"She was...?" says Francois

"Would you like me to peal you a grape, Francois?" says Carl.

"Oh, would you please, my dear boy", he says, passing him the remaining bunch from the bowl nestled like a magical egg in his lap.

Carl breaks off a small bunch and greedily pops them into his mouth.  Then glancing at Francois, says, "Oops.  Sorry."

"I wouldn't worry about it my little man", replies Francois.  "Good help is hard to get these days."  And now we're all bursting out in laughter....

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