Tuesday 7 June 2022

The Peacock 539

 "Is there a story there?" says Carl, grinning.

"Carl, please!" says Sarah, now starting to sound really annoyed.

"Just the facts, ma'am."

"Well, what would you like to hear?"

"Tell us everything!" says Aaron with one wicked little grin.

"Well, everything is not what you are going to hear" she says.  "but I will say this much.  Priscilla's passing put me in quite a tailspin.  let me explain.  I mentioned she had twin sons who also played in her band.  Well, it turns out that Priscilla made me executor of her estate, and she also left me quite a handsome sum of money.  and of course, neither of her son's, Bruno or Damien, were anything pleased about it, and were determined by hook or by crook to get their hands on it.  They never did really like, or accept me by the way, which I think might have been Priscilla's other reason for not wanting me to sing with them, notwithstanding my stage fright, I mean.   Anyway, it got pretty ugly, but once the judge decided in my favour, I was out of there faster than your could say anything that you would want to say.  I was on the next flight to Thailand, where began nearly two years of pure travel adventure.  Thailand was incredible, and I also stopped in Cambodia to see the temples of Angkor Wat, then to Indonesia, but I ended up spending eighteen months in Australia, principally in Melbourne, where I had a friend who badly wanted to see me.  It turned out that she could not put me up as she had promised, since she suddenly had a man living with her (yes, I did say, 'a man'), but Susan had a friend who ran a pretty decent hostel downtown, and it was a nice place, plus, we still got to see each other several times a week, and, it turned out, her boyfriend also liked me.  If, maybe a little bit too much, if you catch my drift.

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