Thursday 9 June 2022

The Peacock 541

 She was seated in one of the comfy chairs, nursing a cup of  coffee while flipping through a magazine.  I had just returned from helping a guest with the hot water, and feeling a little flustered, given that this same male guest was being very inappropriate.

"How inappropriate?" says Carl, still grinning.

"You don't really want to know."

"Now, Sarah", says Carol, "You have already put your foot in it, now you cannot disappoint us."

Sarah, already under the power of her crush on Carol, relents, and says, "He answered the door  naked.  I stood aside in the hall so I couldn't see him and asked if he needed a towel.  He replied that he had a towel, but just needed help with the hot water.  I told him that first he had to dress himself.  He said he didn't want to since he was already about to take a shower.  I thought of sending him a man, then realized that there were no men on duty that day.  He asked me if I was coming in, and I said, no, but asked him exactly what the problem, then told him how to position the tap.  I left before I could hear him close the door.  He was young, good looking I should imagine, but of course didn't appeal to me, plus he was one of the local homeless sheltering with us."

"As I took my seat behind the counter, Angela looked up and said, "I see you have just met Paul, one of our homeless guests."

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Long story", she said.  And she got up and brought me a cup of coffee with some toast and marmalade, very welcome, because I had skipped breakfast that morning..."

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