Monday 13 June 2022

The Peacock 545

 "Not to mention Officer Michael Crawley, whom I had to keep blowing for a while in order to stay out of jail, and only got rid of once, with the help of the editors of the Globe and Mail, I could successfully blackmail him into silence."

"But wasn't the sex consensual?"

"Huh?  He was sexually assaulting me."

"But how can one man sexually assault another?"

"And how can you be so incredibly stupid!"

"Rape is all about patriarchy.  Men dominating women, not other men", says Sarah.

"Patriarchy, shmatriarchy", says Carl.  "look, kiddo, I was in the biz for three years, and I know what can happen.  Why don't you just go crawl back under your little rock and hide there for another hundred years or so?"

"Carl", says Carol.  "That is quite enough.  you may be perfectly right, you and Michael both,  but there is no need to be a bully about it.  Sarah, dear, could you continue please with your story?  I trust the men have already had their say."

Sarah, rolling her eyes says, "Yes, the men must always have their say.  Now, where was I?"

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