Monday 2 January 2023

The Peacock 746

 They have been sequestered with Naomi for what appears to be a long time, and I am beginning to really wonder.  Carrie is engaging with Sarah and Carol about her career as a music therapist  .  Jennifer and Maureen are both listening with care and interest.  George and Jeffery have been chatting with Lazarus and Adam, it would seem about Lazarus' daughter, who is due to come out and visit soon.  Sheila is talking with her son and her son's ex partner about climate change, and how they are forecasting an unusually hot summer.  Glen appears to be listening raptly  Jesús has just asked me about my work with the dying and I am trying to formulate an answer.  Francois and Amanda are also listening with care for my reply. Carlos and Tommy are chattering together in Spanish, presumably about their diner.  Aaron appears to have left the room, perhaps he is back in his own dimension writing about us all right now.  

"So you are also a folk singer", says Carol to Carrie.  "How charming."

"You say she'll be doing a practicum in Burnaby?  how old is your daughter anyway?" says George.

"All I can say", says Shelia, "Is we are moving into some very uncharted waters.  We have to start adjusting to the unexpected or we are going to perish".

"You must have a very difficult and challenging job", says Jesús.

"Debemos irnos muy rápidos para que todo se prepare, con tal que vienen para almorzar hoy."

Melissa and Carl both return, appearing rather sombre and troubled right now.  Quietly they return to their seats.

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