Sunday 29 January 2023

The Peacock 773

 "But. you people are so interesting.  You are nothing like what Tristan has described to me."

"Tristan has had very little contact with our side of the house.  Almost all of what you hear from him", says Carl, "Comes from the other wing where he was living with the community."

"But I thought you are the community".

"We are growing now in that direction", says Jennifer.  "with the overthrow of Douglas we have all come together, more or less, so this is something very new for us.  We kind of evolved independently of Carl and Melissa, who carried on in their side of the house, which, as you have seen, is so big, that that could happen quite easily. 

"But how did this all develop?"

"Organically", says Sarah.  "A benevolent priest was instrumental in bringing people  to the house, but we just kind of developed independent of our hosts.  Only now that they are taking in guests have we started to really come together.  But we were talking about Carl's grandmother."

"Not much else to say", says Carl.  "Adriana passed away ten years ago in the community in Switzerland.  Mom seems to believe that the commnity died with her.  I think she could be right..."

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