Monday 9 January 2023

The Peacock 754

 "Isn't it a bit unusual for a twenty-six year old man to have a teddy-bear", says Sarah.

"My son has never stopped being a child.  This has become for me, his mother, rather sad and scary.  He has no filtre.  He spends a lot of time online and has been poisoned by some really toxic ideologies about white supremacism and homophobia, and I really wish I could get him free from that garbage.  We never talk about it because we always end up yelling at each other, then he shuts off and goes inside himself and doesn't communicate for days or weeks on end. Until he was fourteen, Tristan was such a happy and loving little boy.  I want him back.  I really want him back.  But what can I do?  He's a young man now and nowhere near ready to live his own life.  I often wonder if he might change if I went back to church.  but then I would have to give up my business and that would leave my partner, Kim, on the hook, and I simply can't do that to her."

"How long have you two been in business?" says Jennifer.

"About three years.  Just after my dad passed away, he left me a nice sum of money.  Kim was needing help, so I bought half the business, and we're still not entirely out of the woods yet, if you know what I mean.  I mean, I am uneasy about running a sex boutique, because it does clash with some of the fundamentals that I learned as a kid in the church.  and I'm also sex positive.   But I'm also afraid that this could be hurting Tristan..."

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