Friday 13 January 2023

The Peacock 757

 Aaron's chair is suddenly empty.  "Where did he just go?" says Amanda, clearly disconcerted.

"He'll return", says Jesús.  He probably is back in his apartment."

"Why, where does he live?" she says.

"Vancouver", say I.

"But that's a one and a half hour drive, at least?  Did he just go to the washroom?"

"He's likely back in his apartment in downtown Vancouver, writing us some more", says Carl, smiling.

"Now you must be having me on."

"No I'm not", says Aaron, suddenly reappearing in his chair.  "Hi duckies!"

"Will someone please explain to me just what is going on?" says Amanda, both indignant and frightened.

"So, what are you doing right now, Aaron", says Carl.

"I am having a small plate of chocolate chips with a glass of milk while writing what is happening right here, right now", he says, smiling.

"But", says Amanda", how can you be simultaneously in two places."

"Because I can."

"What kind of chocolate chips?" says Francois, grinning.

"Just like the ones you were sharing with Carl and Christopher last night.  Oops, I'm starting to fade.  Anyway, don't worry, Amanda, I'm just a fly on the wall, writing what I see and hear.  You keep living your life." And again Aaron disappears from| our view...

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