Sunday 12 February 2023

The Peacock 787

 "Jenn", says Sarah, "Why haven't you told us any of this?"

"Maureen knows."

Sarah stares at her, incredulous.

"I'm sorry, Sarah, it isn't that I haven't trusted you, but you already seemed to have a lot to worry you already.  And Maureen just seemed to be there at the right time."

"I didn't know you were a mom. You've always been so quiet about everything.  So secretive."

"Well, now you know.  Now everyone knows.  I'm sorry, Sarah, but not everyone is as open as you are."

"But why so self-protective?"

"I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt you.  Maureen and I go back quite a few years, plus she already knew Elias and John both, and had been to visit us for meals sometimes.  When you came along, my husband and child were already long gone,   It just hurt so much, that I really wanted to put it all behind me, and Maureen agreed and we never brought it up again.  When you came to live with us, it really was for me like starting over."

I can tell that Sarah isn't going to give her a pass for this one.  But she is going to have to.  Amanda says suddenly, "Jenn, did your ex husband ever think of himself as a Greek god?"

"All Greek men think they are gods", she says laughing...

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