Sunday 16 July 2023

The Peacock 940

 "I really noticed something similar in Switzerland, not so much in our community, but the church we were attending.  It was a fairly progressive calvinist church, if you can imagine such a thing, but there always seemed to be a split between progressives and conservatives,  The progressives all had big mouths, proclaiming and parroting the importance of tolerance, diversity and accepting people from all races and sexualities and political beliefs or whatever, but they were also the most egregiously selfish hypocrites whenever it came to lifting so much as a finger in order to help people in need or distress.  It was our community and the many friends we had, that did all the heavy lifting, and a lot of us, Mom included, were also very conservative in their theological thinking."

"I should also imagine", say I, "That they probably looked down on the rest of you."

"That's putting it mildly."

"What was the attitude in your mom's community towards gay people?"

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