Sunday 15 August 2021

The Peacock 253

 "I didn´t say anything to Stella at first.  You see, I was afraid that knowing I was there would prevent him  returning, and I did not want to get blamed, and Stella was one to easily and with great ´pleasure hurl blame.  God, some of the tirades I had to listen to as she was ready to excoriate everyone in the universe, and especially God, for all her problems, everyone except for Stella herself, Because Stella was perfect, who often was the one to be  blamed.  Always looking for a scapegoat, always seeking a target for her bullets and darts.

"But he came back.  Every week for his little spanky-wanky, as Stella called it.  She really had a lot of contempt for him, but seemed to also have a kind of professional fondness for Ahmed. Mind you, Stella had contempt for everybody, and even I had to always remember what an honour it was being befriended by her.  Always dancing on eggshells with her.  

"She was an absolute narcissist.  Aaron refers to someone like that as the planet Jupiter and we are all the moons revolving around her.  Well, I was one of Jupiter's moons.  One day, as Ahmed was skulking towards the front door, I invited him to tarry for coffee.  He reluctantly agreed.  We began to do this regularly.  Stella still didn't know anything, but seemed rather pleased that I had taken to entertaining one of her prized regulars.  She didn't seem to realize that we were actually plotting against her..."

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