Friday 6 October 2023

The Peacock 1022

 "You must be in quarantine now", says Carl.

"It isn't too bad, though it still kind of sucks.  I also might have it.  I'm still waiting for the results."

"Haven't they been pretty lax in your country about covid?"

"Please, let's not talk about that."

"How do you like your hotel room?" say I , while signalling with my finger running across my lips to Carl that he had better shut up for a while.

"It isn't too bad.  It's big enough to move around, so I can do exercises okay.  The bed looks nice and there's a couple of comfy chairs, plus a desk and big TV screen.  Could do worse.  But I am going to have to live in here nonstop for the next fourteen days, and that is a bit daunting."

"Do you think it would be a good time for research."

"It's always a good time for research.  But what I would like is books.  Nothing academic.  A trashy detective novel would help."

"Can't you get books online?" says Carl, disobeying my orders to stay quiet.

"My eyes get tired from the screen.  Paper and ink is good."

Say I, "My father left me a huge library, all numerically and alphabetically organized and there is s generous fiction section.  How about I bring you a few books tomorrow"

"Oh, Christopher, that would be super."

"Send me the name and address of your hotel.  Do you want to talk, more this evening, around seven maybe?"

"That would be super..."

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