Thursday 19 October 2023

The Peacock 1035

 "I was walking in the forest and then suddenly I was baptized in the Holy Spirit."

"Say again please?"

"Today, while walking in a different part of Pacific Spirit Park, I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, there was this humongous release of joy and peace and I began singing in an unknown tongue."

"It really happened?

"It's happening now."

"I can see it all over you.  Yes, Chris, you are different.  Changed.  So happy and light, and kind and fun to be around.  I mean, I've always enjoyed being with you, but this is like when someone suddenly pours chocolate orange sauce all over the white chocolate ice cream."

"Yeah I guess that's one way of saying it.  The thing is, more than twenty-five years ago, along with my Dad, I received the laying on of hands.  For him it was all trumpets and fireworks and for me not even a rusted kazoo.  And then this lady prophesies and tells me that the Spirit would remain bottled up in me for a number of years until the time was right.  And, now, the time is right."

"That is just amazing, Chris.  I am so happy for you.  You know, it happened for me when I was twenty-one in Switzerland, but then it went underground for a long time.  Just now it seems to be bubbling again to the surface.  But maybe it would help if I stay away from that famous beach of yours."

"Dude, it ain't my  beach", and now we are both laughing.


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